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    The 2024 Turkey season is right around the corner here in NJ!  Come join the site and share some of your trailcam pics and hunting success pics with the other members!   Have a question on hunting, fishing or trapping in NJ?  Create a topic and our members will help get you on the right track!  And always keep your eyes open for our Giveaways where members have a FREE chance to win a prize! 

    Good luck this season, stay safe and shoot straight! :up: :up: :up:


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  2. Hey mark interested in the .222 rem mag ammo you have. Reached out in pm.
  3. 2 2/4 or 3 in and what choke is barrel? Thanks
  4. Right now a lot if the action is on bottom baits . fish are active below the schools of bait . Another few weeks they will be rolling on top . My original post was based on guys saying when they are eating bunker they won’t eat anything else . which is absolutely not correct here is a post from early April last year , fish caught on anything that swam in the bunker schools
  5. I was fully booked every season I wanted to be because I pounded fish . and we didn’t just target any striped bass , we targeted the biggest fish we could find . and 8/10 times those giant bass come on a top water , not a live bait . me taking advice from you would be like taking real estate advice from a homeless guy . difference in running charters is having to put clients on fish daily , AND be good at all the methods when some aren’t working And LOTS of actual on the water time .
  6. So let’s fish Oceanside , not in the hatchery . 10 fish and total weight of the 10 fish is the prize amount
  7. Well first person to ten fish is the winner, my baits won’t go bad before I get 10 fish whooping your ass!
  8. Just because your a “charter” don’t mean you’re good I’ve seen plenty of captains that are lazy and not fisherman, not saying that’s you but just because have a “charter” doesn’t mean your any better then the guy next to you that’s not
  9. Better tell that to Nomad who crushed them on plugs.. yes when they get finicky it can be a challenge. But I've seen even the slightest change turn that around. Even somthing as silly as taking the split ring off of an sp minnow
  10. I know at least in my neck of the woods the turkey population is down by a lot
  11. That's the key and the difference in this argument, when they crushing the bunker any imitation will work but when they are finicky like right now live bunker is the ticket. Trolling always works no matter what, yesterday I watched people casting their balls off including myself on great marks with not much luck so I laid out the Mojos and caught some fish
  12. Having bunker in the well is great for a short while . once the slime coat wears and they show red distress bass will push past them looking for fresh bunker . Dead bunker allowed to glaze over will out fish those stressed baits . and a freshly snagged bait , rehooked will also out fish those well baits also cold water and a good pump only go so far , warm water and those baits become worthless quick .
  13. What a Difference 30 Miles makes as far as Turkey Population. I think the North Jersey Population has gone up some. However,I Went 0 for 8 in the North Jersey Hills so far. May 1st and 2nd in my home State of NY- What a difference!!! I have been surrounded on both Mornings by upwards of 6+ Gobblers. The Hen Population is Tremendous as well. So far,I have called up 2 Toms to 50 yards and they stayed right behind low Bushes- never showing their face. Same thing today-- 2 More-- same deal-- behind the low Bushes at 50 yards. Having a Ball out there-- but,I am now 0 for 10 days. Back at it tomorrow of course. Cynthia after 4 Springs with me is determined to do it all by herself in another NY area. She saw 3 Big Toms all together that would not come in. She will be back out there tomorrow after them. She is up to 5 Gobblers in 4 Springs . Tomorrow, I have a 4am walkin of 1 Mile and we play again. I have my B + C week tags also for NJ. Definitely be back down here in NJ Soon. Good Luck out thereY'ALL!!
  14. Just curious , how many charters did YOU have someone pay you to fish ? How many fish did those clients catch under your direction ? How many days a season do you actually fish ?
  15. Today
  16. Ok let me roll up to a pod of fish with bunker now and he goes with his fancy metal lips and heavy shads I bet you who would do better
  17. Are you switching colors changing rate of retrieve etc. Ever hear the saying match the hatch. It apples to salt water to mimmck the bait they are on and you will catch
  18. You make me laugh but keep doing what works for you
  19. I had them in the middle of Newark at my rental afew years ago.
  20. You said snagged bunker give it a shot netting bait and live line with no weight it will get smoked, if I’m not live lining I’m throwing metal lips shade poppers etc I give them a chance
  21. Congratulations on a great bird
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