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  • Sign up as a member on NJ Woods & Water!

    The 2024 Turkey season is right around the corner here in NJ!  Come join the site and share some of your trailcam pics and hunting success pics with the other members!   Have a question on hunting, fishing or trapping in NJ?  Create a topic and our members will help get you on the right track!  And always keep your eyes open for our Giveaways where members have a FREE chance to win a prize! 

    Good luck this season, stay safe and shoot straight! :up: :up: :up:


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  1. Past hour
  2. There are 11 days left to get your tickets for our 50th anniversary banquet! We have to give Forsgate a head and meal selection count 7 days in advance. There will BE NO TICKETS SOLD at the door. This is open to all members and non members Go to UBNJ.org to purchase tickets. We will be auctioning off several bows and other prizes. Looking forward to meeting many of you there!
  3. The TLDR: average time for most ptc applicants is around 60 days which is insane. Some folks going past 120 days. For such an expensive fee you would think it would be faster. I agree with the authors closing statement, permitting schemes are infringements. But going from basically impossible a few years ago to being expensive and time consuming now is still an improvement
  4. 6 deer just walked by me, still no birds heard
  5. Today
  6. Dead silent, except for a coyote but no shot
  7. Some gobbling but sounds like they flew down and went the other way.
  8. Couple of nice bears!
  9. just heading out getting a late start
  10. Just got settled in, let cat & mouse games begin Good luck to all
  11. Hey mark. Would you seperate the .222 from the lot?
  12. Since I fount out I'm diabetic I have been watching what I eat. Little to no carbs high protein. Venison stuffed peppers. Ground venison mushrooms onions fresh garlic pepper and some kyan for some spice.. slice of cheese and so good
  13. Love it so much. Again enjoy!
  14. That’s a good day! Love it!
  15. Bingo

    30/30 ammo

    bump again folks
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