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    The 2024 Turkey season is right around the corner here in NJ!  Come join the site and share some of your trailcam pics and hunting success pics with the other members!   Have a question on hunting, fishing or trapping in NJ?  Create a topic and our members will help get you on the right track!  And always keep your eyes open for our Giveaways where members have a FREE chance to win a prize! 

    Good luck this season, stay safe and shoot straight! :up: :up: :up:


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  1. Past hour
  2. great fish congrats and nice job on the release
  3. By the looks of your truck you must be in the Pine Barrens.
  4. Gun vice 55$ belvidere warren county
  5. Today
  6. Way to go; congratulations!
  7. Weight is coming off nicely and been more active which is helping 23 pounds down
  8. That’s what sucks, all those fish and not a single slot, probably need to have smaller baits I guess, pretty bad when your hoping for small fish
  9. Terrific! I see even a seasoned turkey hunter like you even makes mistakes with decoy placement. Looks like your truck needs some work.
  10. Congratulations on a great bird
  11. Awesome bird, congratulations
  12. wow great year for you. You hunt private or public ?
  13. Congrats, nice going on not cutting yourself.
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