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    The 2024 Turkey season is right around the corner here in NJ!  Come join the site and share some of your trailcam pics and hunting success pics with the other members!   Have a question on hunting, fishing or trapping in NJ?  Create a topic and our members will help get you on the right track!  And always keep your eyes open for our Giveaways where members have a FREE chance to win a prize! 

    Good luck this season, stay safe and shoot straight! :up: :up: :up:


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  1. Past hour
  2. That was a preview. Wait till you pull a hamstring coming off the toilet.
  3. Here’s an old photo of Len and Smokey on a Wyoming Antelope hunt in the early 80s
  4. Hope it's just a light muscle pull or spasm. I think you'll tough it out and be fine
  5. Seriously... I don't know if I'll be able to go out like this. Tomorrow and Friday I was planning on going to a buddy's private property to help my dad get a turkey... he's in his 80s and can barely walk himself with all the problems he has with his hip and back...and now I'm gimpy. Not sure if I can go.. I'm consuming a fair amount of Aleve....
  6. Turkey Gods threw a jinx at you!! They need to get thru D wk!! Hope you feel better!!
  7. Well, I'm probably older than most here and have had back issues for over 50 years on and off, mostly on lately. Sometimes the simplest movement can cause horrific pain and discomfort. The best advise I can offer is to keep the injured area warm ()extra tee shirt during the day), hot showers help getting started in the morning , a heating pad or electric blanket during the night and I have found that Dual Action Advil is quite an effective over the counter medication and ease off if you are able to and give it time to heal. Also, watch your posture when standing and sitting.
  8. He has mounts? I've only seen him kill quail n pheasant when he's not missing that is
  9. https://patch.com/new-jersey/hopatcong-sparta/bear-kills-dog-injures-another-pair-attacks-sparta-pd
  10. Nice nick, great day fishing for sure
  11. To this day I still don't truly know how I have cervical spine issues, left shoulder issues, and nerve damage in my left arm, it's going on 9 years. and my left shoulder is getting worst. MRI was denied last month by insurance
  12. Back in the day when I was in shape I hurt my back opening up a upper kitchen cabinet door. Backs are funny like that.
  13. Painful reminder that our health is the most valuable thing we will ever have. Maybe it's time to start up some sort of health and fitness routine?
  14. I have two words for you .... Planet Fitness. Seriously. (Hope you're back to normal soon)
  15. Today
  16. Been there wound up in the ER from putting my sneakers on LOL welcome to old age blew out my back MRI spine shots all of it just from putting my freaking sneakers on
  17. This morning I bent over to put a sock on my foot and felt a searing pain shoot through a muscle in my back. Laid me out for a couple minutes on the floor and couldn't move without more pain shooting through me. I'm still not right; move the wrong way and my muscle seizes up and I see stars. WTH? ALL I DID WAS TRY TO PUT ON A SOCK! I don't want to know what things will be like when I'm ACTUALLY old.
  18. Just did mine pike County. Aproved in 56 minutes
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