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    The 2024 Turkey season is right around the corner here in NJ!  Come join the site and share some of your trailcam pics and hunting success pics with the other members!   Have a question on hunting, fishing or trapping in NJ?  Create a topic and our members will help get you on the right track!  And always keep your eyes open for our Giveaways where members have a FREE chance to win a prize! 

    Good luck this season, stay safe and shoot straight! :up: :up: :up:


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  1. Past hour
  2. Yeah you guys tend to be a little more “soft” than us masons
  3. Some things are just destined to remain a mystery... human consciousness, women, why birds with white breast meat cross the road. We'll just have to live with knowing we'll never attain complete understanding.
  4. This morning I was sitting on the farm with Dad getting skunked while turkey hunting (didn't see or hear a thing). And my mind starts to wander. I'm watching crows and geese fly over head and I think, "How come turkeys can't fly constantly like geese and ducks and crows?" Turkeys just fly a short distance and then land. Then I hear a rooster off in the distance and I'm like, "Hmm... chickens can't fly far either!" Then I think, "That's interesting... the birds like chickens and turkeys and pheasants that can't fly constantly and far all have white breast meat... and birds that can fly far all have red breast meat (like ducks, geese, crows). I wonder if there's a connection?" Inquiring minds want to know! So I looked it up and whatcha know! Today I learned something https://web.colby.edu/mainebirds/2011/01/13/bird-muscles/ So there you go - in case you ever find yourself wondering why turkeys and chickens can't fly like geese and ducks. You're welcome.
  5. On Monday April 29th, Representatives in the Minnesota House will be casting floor votes on House File 601, House File 4300, and House File 2609. The bills penalize gun owners for failing to report lost or stolen firearms, impose a one-size fits all firearm storage requirement, and ban certain firearm triggers.View the full article
  6. Just got this today. The one in the back has a couple of inches showing. 865814043047578_file20240426060814TQCMA.mp4
  7. Today
  8. that's a great bear in the B&W pictures .....Once one starts to rub it attracts other bears
  9. Since I've put a camera at the corner of my property over the last few months, bears seem to be attracted by this tree. Every bear that passes rubs it. Pretty cool.
  10. Had 2 hens come past they were yelping alittle but no Gobblers anywhere to he seen or heard, left had to go to work. Good luck to everyone still out.
  11. Happy Friday fellas! Hope you all have a great weekend. Only working until 1 today, then I'm going to do a light lifting session just to keep moving. I'm sore and tired from a solid week of soccer and MMA, but I need to move some iron around to stay limber. I think I'll grill some wings for dinner tonight.
  12. Great photo! Congrats on bird. How’s that’s SXP?
  13. With all the water issues, the contractor had pushed back the truss delivery and install to Tuesday of next week. By the end of next week we can get the interior graded, prepped, and ready for heat and concrete. Today I will be catching up on food plot work. Tomorrow a DU Dinner in Colt's Neck
  14. I feel like a mason with my 40 grit hands after 3 days of water and blue clay. I am an electrician ya know
  15. That’s not tired . That’s neglect . Lucky she didn’t leave you stranded . should run like a champ getting rebuilt
  16. On the farm with Dad trying to get him that vocal gobbler we heard Tuesday. Not a peep this morning. Not looking good. Seeing and hearing lots of crows and geese... It's killing me lol
  17. Was only able to get out for about an hour today… lots of gobbling for me but all henned up
  18. I heard just 1 Gobble so far in the North Jersey Hills. Getting Windy now.
  19. UGH you let that go way to long.
  20. Nothing yet hopefully he's just tight lipped this morn not looking good lol. Can only hunt till 7 so going to sit it out and see.
  21. Our in Zone 4. Nothing heard yet
  22. Good luck to everyone out this last day of A week. All settled in waiting to see if the bird I hunted yesterday is still in here. He was henned up yesterday gobbling his head off bit would.not break from her, and she didn't want to play either. Set up in the area they wandered off into yesterday morn hoping they try and do the same thing they did yesterday. Silent so far.
  23. That's a lot of fish!
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