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ANY success finding ARROWHEADS or similar items??

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With the apparently TONS of guys walking and looking for sheds recently, has anyone inadvertently come across any arrowheads or similar items, or ancient artifacts here in NJ?  Lots of fields and farmland which is prime locations, or so I have been told.....

Many guys and gals out west apparently are into it, I am not one of them here. Never had time or desire to research or tried to specifically look for any. I have several friends that have collections of hundreds of some that are very cool, many from north jersey... 

Curious to see if guys have similar interest in finding them as they do finding bone on here..... 

by the way I’m gay so I’m looking to hold hands with a big strong hunter and look  for arrowheads. I need a man to show me the way bone 🦴 and all

********This was so childish, yet funny so I am leaving it. Just because I told Todd he should send his masseuse to Jack's house on Friday because he is recovering and would be a nice gesture,  Todd gets all bent out of shape and all sorts of jealous..... :rofl:  Good one LTH! :rofl::up:

Edited by LPJR

my friend found some on his property along the delaware, he called Rutgers and they came in and made a dig their, found a lot of indian artifacts.

Paul M. Ross


Coldwell Banker Sales Associate







I found a projectile point by the Musky once.  Never found anything else - yet.  The area is picked over by locals fairly hard.  Some of them have even found Banner stones - intact, which are very cool.  

One important thing to bear in mind is that rivers and steams in the post glacial era were much higher than today due to substantial ice meltwater.  Rivers are also dynamic systems that tend to wander within their floodplain so what is by a river or stream now may not have been then.

I have been told by a very experienced local, who had such a collection that he donated to the Smithsonian, that a south facing slope above the floodplain line can be a very productive place to look as they likely camped at this level.

The Plenge site in Asbury is such a spot.


The property were my parents owned in NJ had an old Indian campsite on it. We used to find arrowheads and other artifacts all of the time. There was still charcoal from them burning g campfires. 

"The Nation Which Forgets Its Defenders, Will Itself Be Forgotten".


Plow depth is one of the biggest reasons that Native American history has been literally erased. They were all over for 1000’s of years. 

Arrowheads are more common than spent shotgun shells in the woods, just way harder to find. 

3 hours ago, 68Ioweu1 said:

Freshly plowed fields, after a rain, next to a river. 

Some guys used to check the fields on Roy Road off of rt 565 in Wantage. I ran a gun club there for a few years before it got split up and sold.  One day I saw 3 guys walking around in the field, like you said, freshly plowed and after a rain.  They found 3 arrow heads that day.  Papakating creek used to be an encampment of an Indian tribe way back when.

6 hours ago, madeinuk said:

I found a projectile point by the Musky once.  Never found anything else - yet.  The area is picked over by locals fairly hard.  Some of them have even found Banner stones - intact, which are very cool.  

One important thing to bear in mind is that rivers and steams in the post glacial era were much higher than today due to substantial ice meltwater.  Rivers are also dynamic systems that tend to wander within their floodplain so what is by a river or stream now may not have been then.

I have been told by a very experienced local, who had such a collection that he donated to the Smithsonian, that a south facing slope above the floodplain line can be a very productive place to look as they likely camped at this level.

The Plenge site in Asbury is such a spot.

Knowing where you live, I immediately jumped to the Plenge site in my mind which as you know is very nearby you only to see you mention it later on.  I know when SHPO (NJDEP State Historic Preservation Office pronounced by many as "Ship-Oh") comes to review river restoration sites with me during or prior to the permit process, they are always looking at the floodplain bench and not at the stream banks for the reasons you listed above.  That is where the artifacts still existing will be located and not in the existing banks as much.  That said, I have found squat and I look.  :)  But I do know a few farm fields adjacent to the Musky that regularly turn up arrowheads and other tools and items from the Lenni Lenape Indians whenever the farmer turns over the soil before planting.  

13 hours ago, LPJR said:

With the apparently TONS of guys walking and looking for sheds recently, has anyone inadvertently come across any arrowheads or similar items, or ancient artifacts here in NJ?  Lots of fields and farmland which is prime locations, or so I have been told.....

Many guys and gals out west apparently are into it, I am not one of them here. Never had time or desire to research or tried to specifically look for any. I have several friends that have collections of hundreds of some that are very cool, many from north jersey... 

Curious to see if guys have similar interest in finding them as they do finding bone on here..... 

by the way I’m gay so I’m looking to hold hands with a big strong hunter and look  for arrowheads. I need a man to show me the way bone 🦴 and all 

Well When I was around 13 years old my friends and I used to ride our dirt bikes ( RM’s no YZ’s!) up a steep hill in the woods, well sometimes you made it to the top and sometimes you didn’t if you got into the soft dirt spot . Well one time I had to bail 8 feet from the top and I look down in the soft dirt and I find this big arrow head ! Pretty sure it’s a 125 grain . Well then I went back the next day solo and just with a stick digging for like a hour found a little piece of pottery and a arrowhead. Showed my grandpa and back then it was no big deal . Always wanted to go back with shovels and a screen but now it is a park . Maybe I will call that Rutgers ?

     Good Luck !




I have a few arrowheads I found in some fields off Rt 295 in burlington county. We were scouting during lunch one day and the crane operator kept picking some thing up. I asked him what he was doing. He said they were flint chips and said there were indian artifacts in this field. I turned around and took a step and dam if there wasn't an arrowhead sitting right on top of the dirt. So we checked a couple days in another field and we each came away with a few arrowheads..

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