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Who do you like for a presidential candidate and why?


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I realize this will potentially turn into a crazy topic, but it could also be helpful for those of us wading through the information about candidates and might otherwise overlook something about them.

Since many of us likely share common interests and goals in respect to our lives/lifestyles, we may also align with what candidate(s) best serve to improve that.

If you're up to it, please take the time to list your insights on the candidates.


  1. What candidate do you like and why?
  2. What candidates don't you like an why?
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Ah man good topic.ive been reading and hearing on talk radio about the presidential races.honestly none of them I think they all blow but you have to vote for someone I guess for what it's worth,they're all in the pocket of lobbyist I just can't believe all the bull the liberals feed their fans and they buy it hook line and sinker it's scary lololol.i would have to vote for a Republican whoever is winning in the polls trump tells the truth which hurts people and they don't like it but I admire his honesty and he's the only one besides Huckabee who's made perfect sense.so I guess I'd vote for trump being I think he's gonna come out on top.hillary should be convicted it's funny how Nixon was impeached and resigned because of 18 minutes of tape he erased but hillary has tons of emails that breached national security and this corrupt administration covers it up.she and Bernie keep feeding people the same bullcrap abortion rights women's rights and black lives matter.last time I checked they support unions and unions support them and they're the plague that ruined the structure of many states pretty ironic how the inner city population blames the reps for their problems within their cities but I do remember them cities have been controlled by democrats for years funny how that works

Edited by smoking gun
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None of them.  I am against both the Democrat and Republican parties.  I think both parties need to be removed from power as they've hijacked American politics for their own good and not for the good of the people.  I will never again vote for a Democrat or Republican.  I do not consider it throwing a vote away, but instead it should be seen as a vote of confidence against both political parties.  It is the first shot in the next American Revolution.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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None of them.  I am against both the Democrat and Republican parties.  I think both parties need to be removed from power as they've hijacked American politics for their own good and not for the good of the people.  I will never again vote for a Democrat or Republican.  I do not consider it throwing a vote away, but instead it should be seen as a vote of confidence against both political parties.  It is the first shot in the next American Revolution.

well said
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None of them.  I am against both the Democrat and Republican parties.  I think both parties need to be removed from power as they've hijacked American politics for their own good and not for the good of the people.  I will never again vote for a Democrat or Republican.  I do not consider it throwing a vote away, but instead it should be seen as a vote of confidence against both political parties.  It is the first shot in the next American Revolution.

Agree, they all blow.

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Well, he dropped out but, I may have voted for Rand Paul.  I liked his position on foreign matters, balancing the budget, and in some cases, less government.  As for the rest of the field, don't think I will even vote this time.  

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The question as you alluded to...by not voting, you are inherently "giving" a vote to the winning candidate, so would it not make sense to vote for a lesser of the evils?

It is technically called an abstention. And, yes, abstentions go to the winning candidate per Robert's Rules.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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Dangerous not to vote --  


You can be sure the democrats will bring voters -- they'll pick them up by bus, and bring them to the polls -- probably even buy them lunch


We don't vote then there's a really good chance Hillary is our next pres -- you ready for that???

Edited by Heavyopp
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I'm OK with Ted Cruz constitutional conservative as I feel he will work under the constitution and also not try to expand government as the last two president have.


I also liked Carlie and Dr. Ben but since they can't seem to get any traction my bet is they are gone after S.C.

My unhappiness with the actions of the Republican Party of late cause me to like Trump other then that I'm strapped for logical reasons why I like him but I do.


Logic tells me the best people for the job would have experience of a state Gov. Or General officer in the armed forces but all Governers running are Chamber of Commerse Republicans and they have let me down as per the actions of say Paul Ryan and others.


The Dems, they are just saying two versions of the same phrase "Give me the guns and the money and nobody has to get hurt" more debt less freedom all for temporary free stuff.....for some.

In the end I will be happy with Cruz or Trump but think Rubio (Gang of 8 ) or Hillary (Laws are for the little people) will be crammed down our throats or up our .......well you know.

How do you view things BowhunterNJ?

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After 8 long years of socialistic endeavors we need a polar opposite. Unfortunately none of the current candidates fit that roll. Trumps ideas have merit but, they come across far too arrogant to be considered worth while. His brashness would never bode well with foreign leaders. As for the others, far too much flip flopping to tell what the flavor of the day will bring. One thing is certain, if this is the best that this country can produce after 8 years of epic failure we are in a sad state of affairs.

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I don't particularly like any of them either.  I'd probably never vote democrat, unless he was one charming SOB. 


If you guys want to shake up the system and send a message that the system is broken and we're taking it back (as some of you have said) the only thing to do would be to vote Trump.  I suppose you could take the opposite approach (as many dems are doing) and vote Bernie. Either way, one of those 2 guys sends a loud and clear message that americans are tired of the same old BS, tired of candidates running on the same old platforms, and sucking as many dicks as they can, and getting in the pockets of "interest groups"  in order to get in to the white house.  Not voting is just about the dumbest thing you can do. 

Edited by not on the rug
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Trump all the way. the reason is just to send a message that we are fed up with politicians. I'm a independent, I always vote for who I think is the best canidate/ except for obama all the past presidents got my vote and guess what. It's been a very long time since I was right. The same goes for jersey govenors, I have never been right about them.

  Now if your a democrate and feel you have to vote for a democrat please not Hillery.  She is just plain evil.  There were too many accidents and suicides in thier past, plus all this e-mail and bengazi stuff

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