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Who do you like for a presidential candidate and why?


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BTW, this whole fiasco with Hillary winning 6 coin flips to win Iowa, and now leaving NH with as many delegates as Bernie despite losing by 20%+ of the popular vote screams corruption.

The whole superdelegate principle seems like a blatent contradiction to the meaning of Democrat (where the PEOPLE elect their officials).
Superdelegates were created just to allow politicians (the superdelegates) to vote with the weight of 10,000 people, so that they had the ability to offset people voting for "extreme" candidates and vote for an establishment candidate instead.

How in the world is that "democratic"?  :headscratch:

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BTW, this whole fiasco with Hillary winning 6 coin flips to win Iowa, and now leaving NH with as many delegates as Bernie despite losing by 20%+ of the popular vote screams corruption.

The whole superdelegate principle seems like a blatent contradiction to the meaning of Democrat (where the PEOPLE elect their officials).

Superdelegates were created just to allow politicians (the superdelegates) to vote with the weight of 10,000 people, so that they had the ability to offset people voting for "extreme" candidates and vote for an establishment candidate instead.

How in the world is that "democratic"?  :headscratch:


Reinforces my statement that the political parties have hijacked our government for their own purposes.  There are an absurd amount of examples of things like this and their self-preservationist tactics.  Remember way back when there was a surge in the Green Party?  Their candidate (whose name eludes me right now) was not allowed into the presidential debates because they were not a member of the two ruling parties.  Another strong-arm tactic to prevent additional representation in government by the people.


We the people have been hoodwinked, and that's why I won't vote Republican or Democrat.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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I see Edward Snowden will be the "headline speaker" at the group's annual meeting this month.


Yup.  The guy who exposed the illegal wiretapping our government was doing to its citizens and other nations.


You may not agree with how Snowden did what he did, but if he had not, our government would still be collecting as much information as possible--illegally--about its citizens in direct violation of the constitution.


Just another example of how badly government is broken.  Thanks for pointing that out.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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Anyone think she will actually get indicted? 


With the level of corruption in Washington, my gut tells me no way.

They'll find a way to weasel her out of it.

Even if she were indicted, I'd imagine being a federal crime, Obama would just pardon her.


Do I think she *should* be indicted?  Absolutely.

I can't even fathom how anyone can consider her even remotely trustworthy or presidential given her history and the highlights of this email scandal.

Either she is grossly negligent, inept, and incapable in her current role (nevermind as President) or she intentionally circumvented classified server security and risked National Security by doing so.

Neither is acceptable.

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If Washington keeps it up, this is what is going to happen:



GONZALO LIRA: The Coming Middle-Class Anarchy



Another good article:


Glenn Reynolds: Washington's culture of corruption rots on


Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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^ and that's exactly the what he stands for.


I understand it as he wants to equalize what is taken from everyone.

There's no question the upper class, corporations, etc get huge advantages with tax writeoffs that middle class do not get.

I do agree with that aspect of his policies in trying to make that more "fair".

It's one thing to award people or companies for investing in themselves, it's another to make the system so advantageous for them that so few in the middle class can reach that level because they are mired in high taxes and living paycheck to paycheck despite working their asses off.  Worse yet, there are people slipping from the middle class to the lower class because of the lack of affordability relative to what they earn.


The real problem is finding away to more effectively control government spending and having accountability for where even the current revenue goes.


Many politicians believe in wage increases, which is all well and good, but adding that to increased taxes for companies who are employing those people is a significant impact to their own budget.  So now you've created competition for jobs, and perhaps fewer people doing the work of more out of shear affordability for the employer.  Or a less skilled worker will get the position because they are paid less (we see this happen in today's economy even, which means it would likely get worse).  Again this is a fine line with exceptions as there are plenty of lucrative companies out there making an absolute killing who are not taking care of their employees commensurately. 


It's a complex puzzle which I feel has been made even more complex than it needs to be.  I'm all for simplifying the system, regulating greed and unfair advantages, and helping everyone earn a path to a better life.  But as HH has alluded to, A LOT needs to change in Washington for that "simple" state to occur...and it might border a revolt from the American people to make it happen.  You're just starting to see a shade of that now with all the support Trump and Sanders are getting...the American people are just plain tired of the current system (except those who have a definitive advantage based on the current system and definitely do not want to see it change).  I think this current race is a great thing, it's opening the eyes of many including myself...although you have to weed through a lot of crap and I'm certainly not so steadfast in my own developing views to say they will not change.  It's an interesting landscape and one we all have an interest in (or should).

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Who do you like for a presidential candidate and why?


Well, I will try to stand by my rule of: No discussion on Religion or Politics.


But, I will say this;  Personally I would like to vote for Cruz if I have that opportunity.


Second, I will vote and support any Republican as a counter to any pinko Democrat.


Third: I strongly suggest that everyone of you actually get off your ass and get out there and vote.

Far too many generations of young Americans gave their life and limb, to give you the liberties and freedoms we all share today.


Sitting at home crying the blues and bitching why your personal choice or political hack ________(fill in the blank) did not get nominated is not going to help the situation.

Not voting at all or the "I'll show them, I will vote independent", blah blah, blah….


This gentelmen is a total waste.

Anyone remember Mr. Ross Perot ? Mr. Perot ran against Daddy Bush. Mr. Perot took votes away from Daddy Bush…..  

Thats how we got Cigar smoking Billy Clinton, whom used a nice young niave intern as a cigar humidor, among other things.


I personally believe the Democrats and the Clintons have brought out the old playbook that worked for them so well in the past, and are trying a repeat performance.


Remember this little fact folks, The Donald is, was, and still continues to be personal friends and a political and financial supporter of the Clintons.


Uncle Bernie… Well what can I say? he is just an old burnout Socialist commie pinko f*g, attempting to keep the 1960's alive. Vote for me I'll get you free stuff….. The college kids love that line.


But, it is you and me… The hard working Americans that get up every damn morning or work that late night shift, and even some of us, work sometimes both… doing the daily grind, slugging our way every stinking day to make a living.


Not only to support our love ones at home, but to support those lazy, POS, give me give me, you owe me crowd.


I just caught myself breaking my own rules here, so I will shut up now.


Getting late have to get to sleep,  so I can get up early to support  those sick , lame , lazy, and crazy commie pinkos who want to destroy my America.


Please learn from history…. So we do not have to repeat history…...

Ephesians Chapter 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Joshua Chapter 1:9  
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

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