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personally I think most beer tastes better from a can. Impossible for any light to get through and skunk it up.  Not a fan of Hieneken in bottle, but really like it from the can. Some of the more mass produced light beers like bud/coors/miller - not much difference cans are more convenient. Craft beers are brewed in such low volume overall, and they use such dark bottles that the skunk rarely sits in...    Now if it's an IPA - doesn't matter, it's all crap.... You can take that over-hoppy junk and dump it.

Nothing spooks deer more than my stank… 

16 3/4” Live Fluke Release Club

I shot a big 10pt once….

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How do you like your wine coolers?


man that crap doesn't even taste like beer.. India Pale Ale. - blah.. Whoever came up with that idea should be tried for treason.  Give me a good lager, pilsner, porter, or any other type of ale as long as it's not that over-hoppy crap.

Nothing spooks deer more than my stank… 

16 3/4” Live Fluke Release Club

I shot a big 10pt once….

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i don't drink beer.....I prefer Hard liquor mostly Grey Goose


I have become more of a vodka martini man myself, slightly dirty. I will argue, hands down, K1 completely blows away Grey Goose...  Belvedere is better than Goose as well.  The goose is better than Smirnoff, Absolute, and Stoly however, as is Titos and 3-Olives.

Nothing spooks deer more than my stank… 

16 3/4” Live Fluke Release Club

I shot a big 10pt once….

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says the guy with the heineken in his hand...  (ducks for cover, in fear of a piece of firewood flying at me)


I actually just threw up in my mouth a little bit remembering what that swill tastes like.  Sort of like a mix between a cheap lager that sat in the sun for a month and got skunked and the time that my wife projectile vomited on my face when we were celebrating a friend's birthday and she was utterly trashed.  Yum...bottoms up! 

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man that crap doesn't even taste like beer.. India Pale Ale. - blah.. Whoever came up with that idea should be tried for treason.  Give me a good lager, pilsner, porter, or any other type of ale as long as it's not that over-hoppy crap.


Okay, you ignorant heathen, it's time for some edumacation in beer.


IPA was "invented" out of necessity hundreds of years ago.  Back in the day when England was full of arrogant imperialists and had done their finest to take over India, the poor lads they sent over there were craving the quaffability of their homeland's pale ale.  The problem with getting authentic pale ale from England to India was spoilage.  Ships had to travel south, underneath Africa and then navigate to India.  Most of the ale that arrived was in a very poor state after the months-long journey.


Smart brewers in the UK realized that adding more hops to beer acted like a preservative (technically, adding hops decreases the pH of the beer making it more acidic and more resilient to infecting microbes).  So they added a lot more hops to the pale ales they were shipping to India so they could survive the journey.  Sure enough, the hoppier ambrosia did survive the journey much to the delight of the troops station in India oppressing the locals and forcing them to assimilate to British culture.  Henceforth this hoppier ale was referred to as India Pale Ale.


That's today's beer history lesson.  Tomorrow's lesson might be on Russian Imperial Stout.


Now, the American interpretation of IPA is annoying.  Some brewers seem like they are in a contest to create the bitterest beers on the market.  It's kind of like chefs competing to see who can make the saltiest soup.  I tend to avoid American IPAs where I can.  The British ones are better balanced.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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