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Crossfit - Experiences and Opinions


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I am leaning in that direction.  There are a lot of "cautions" to consider, but nothing that seems like a roadblock to me.

I wouldn't try to do something like crossfit if you haven't been doing anything for a while. It's easy to hurt yourself doing a high intensity workout like that, even if you are fit. 


I don't know your health status, or fitness level, but if you've been sedentary for a while, and are over 40, ease into it. Start slow, like someone mentioned, walking, maybe walk a mile, break into a jog for .5 mile, then back it down to a walk for another mile or so. Do as many push-ups as you can before you start, and then again after you're done walking. Combined with some serious dietary changes, in a week or two, you'll feel like you can do more, and then you can move to weights. Like the cardio, start small. Lighter weights, get the technique right. Doing more reps with less weight is probably more beneficial to you than heavy weight with fewer reps. Stretch too, very important. Some light stretching before, some more stretching after. And, sorry but all that beer you like...probably need to cut that out for a while if you want to get serious about dropping weight, and soda (if you drink it, and most carbs from things like bread, pasta and sweets. 


The most important thing to remember is all the sweat in the world will not help you drop pounds if you don't eliminate bad eating habits. If you have a few bad eating habits, and work out, you can maintain your weight, but if you want to lose, lose the bad eating habits, period. 

Edited by DV1

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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Ohhhhh there's a bunch of pretty funny Crossfit videos out there.


I will say regarding rushing into Crossfit, most Crossfit gyms have intro level classes to ease you into it if you wanted to give it a try.

It's not uncommon once you get into your first actual class (even non-RX workout) to see people hurling.  I'll admit my first time I was close, and my friend with me ran outside and hurled.

Saw it a bunch of times after that.  

And to an earlier point about gains/losses...even in Crossfit, I've seen a regular who got injured come back 2 months later and hurl on his first workout, totally annihilated and gassed out.

Strength and endurance IMO are hard/long to gain and easy/quick to lose.

As others have said, it's about making it your lifestyle and staying with it...the human body only does as much as it needs to in order to maintain it's daily workload.

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You are playing with words instead of looking for the answer. You want to call lung efficiency instead of lung capacity then do it, The bottom line is this, if you can't drag a deer for a long time without having to stop every 30 seconds gasping for air then you are fit. Anyone doing honest cardiovascular workout will leave in the dust someone just lifting weights. Cardio is the key. Cardio will help you maintain your weight, strength, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol... lifting weights not so much


So...are old people dragging deer or are they getting on and off the toilet? Are they running half marathons or are they walking upstairs to their bedrooms? Still think they benefit more from endurance training or from strength training?


So...people who endurance train have better endurance than people who don't? Please tell me more. Lol


Yet again...endurance training and conditioning are TEMPORARY. They can be gained and lost in a matter of weeks.


What I'm hearing from you is that you don't recognize weight training as a form of HIIT. This tells me that you've never truly lifted. I'm sure you have knocked some dumbells around and whatnot, but I'm talking about a legitimate barbell program. The kind that leaves you puking and hobbling around on wobbly legs for a week. The kind of lifting where you take a knee after a 1rep deadlift and try to avoid passing out. The kind of lifting where you legitimately need 10 minutes between sets in order to get your heart rate back down and be able to breathe normally again. Do some shit like that and tell me that isn't a cardiovascular exercise.


And for the record, lifting like that does lower your bp and cholesterol. Do me a favor, please stop with your silliness now. You're embarrassing yourself. Here is a homework assignment. Read some of the work from Dr Jordan Feigenbaum and Dr. Austin Baraki. Their work should be concise enough to show you exactly how incorrect you are without you having to scour the internet for too long. Let me know if you have any questions

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I bought this to read about diet.




Not that I'm going to read the whole thing or get much past the introduction and table of contents, but there is some hope that I will.


I've also come to realize that I'm going to have to stop eating virtually everything I already eat and start eating things I don't eat.  That's going to be incredibly difficult for me to do, and it's probably the most important thing I have to do.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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LIke Merkel said above just start going for walks, walk up hills, thru forests, past Jay's stand, just walk and watch your diet, do some push ups sit ups.   When you get in better shape and have lost some weight, maybe run, do a little cross training, biking, more lifting, sit ups etc.  Good luck.

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I bought this to read about diet.




Not that I'm going to read the whole thing or get much past the introduction and table of contents, but there is some hope that I will.


I've also come to realize that I'm going to have to stop eating virtually everything I already eat and start eating things I don't eat.  That's going to be incredibly difficult for me to do, and it's probably the most important thing I have to do.

A book?


Google "whole 30" and hit their website up. That's basically what and how you want to approach food. And you won't have to break your streak of not reading books

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A book?


Google "whole 30" and hit their website up. That's basically what and how you want to approach food. And you won't have to break your streak of not reading books

Okay, just went to their website and there is no way in hell I am doing that diet.  Absolutely not.




That diet is such a radical paradigm from what I am eating now that I can't do it.  Also, I am traveling a lot and there's no way I can maintain that diet on the road.


At home I'd have to throw out most of the food in my cabinets and fridge.


And switching over to it would probably give me the squirts for weeks.  And I also have two delicious kegs in the fridge.  You'd have to kill me first before I abandon that.


I need something I can transition into and create a plan to do that, none of this "try us for 30 days and immediately abandon your lifestyle".  I know cults that are more flexible with their rules.

Edited by Haskell_Hunter

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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I've lost 25 pounds doing Krav Maga.  A lot of fun, intense, and you get to kick people in the nuts.  Knife defense, guns, car jacking.  Blue Titan Fitness and Self Defense in Rockaway.  Join me tomorrow at 7am.


You might be able make extra money for hunting and fishing. I heard that some guys pay good money for the fetish of getting kicked in the nuts. Can't beat that , getting paid to exercise!

"All men die, not all men really live". WW

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LIke Merkel said above just start going for walks, walk up hills, thru forests, past Jay's stand, just walk and watch your diet, do some push ups sit ups.   When you get in better shape and have lost some weight, maybe run, do a little cross training, biking, more lifting, sit ups etc.  Good luck.


Oh man I almost missed this one.......Past and up Jay's stands....... :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  Now that was funny Nomad.

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