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God bless those who gave their all that day as Japan  executed the sneak attack on the USA. 

No Apologies were ever given this year Japans prime minister will pay a visit to honor the fallen ( WHOS )  

They say Obamanation will visit also why to Apologize for the Bomb,   Bill USN Vet 



Trump will strengthen ties with Japan to pressure China.

How did U know was just reported The biggest bank of Japan will now invest 50 Billion in the Us after meeting with president-elect Trump today,      The Trump Train is running right on Track,   

Boing is next 4 Billion for 2 Air Force 1s  On and ON The Art of the deal



I was just in Hawaii... Hard to believe that part of the world is part of the USA, it's like another planet!   The climate - amazing, but can change based on elevation. The old Lava fields - like being on Mars... Seeing live lava dump into the Ocean - should be the 8th wonder of the world...    It's incredible.


It's also an incredibly BLUE state - you won't find a Republican there.. I would not fit in well.. 



The bottom line - it IS American soil, and along with 9-11, is a day we should never forget and also remember to VOTE RESPONSIBLY.

Nothing spooks deer more than my stank… 

16 3/4” Live Fluke Release Club

I shot a big 10pt once….


I was just in Hawaii... Hard to believe that part of the world is part of the USA, it's like another planet!   The climate - amazing, but can change based on elevation. The old Lava fields - like being on Mars... Seeing live lava dump into the Ocean - should be the 8th wonder of the world...    It's incredible.


It's also an incredibly BLUE state - you won't find a Republican there.. I would not fit in well.. 



The bottom line - it IS American soil, and along with 9-11, is a day we should never forget and also remember to VOTE RESPONSIBLY.

My son is stationed in Hawaii. He gets deployed on Saturday.

"The Nation Which Forgets Its Defenders, Will Itself Be Forgotten".


He's apologizing for making them mad enough to attack us. We should have known better and should have considered their feelings.

Very confusing statement Making who mad who's feelings should have been considered.  :cupcoffee:



Have been to Hawaii a few times. One thing for sure they love to hunt on Kauai..... a couple of guys told me that hunt boar with only a knife. Might be a blue state but still beautiful....

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