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Ordinance alert | Tonka's Law - Readington, NJ Zone 12

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I would like to make everyone aware what is going on in Readington as a result of a family pet being "accidentally" shot by a bow hunter. Story here:

Family dog killed by crossbow hunter who mistook beloved pet for coyote | NJ.com

As a result, the township committee has proposed a new ordinance that would require ALL property under 6 acres that is hunted on, the owner must notify all immediately adjacent properties AND the town (open to OPRA requests) via certified mail that there will be hunting on your property. Additionally, you must post the property with your name, dates you will be hunting, and what type of weapon you will be using (compound, xbow, muzzy, shotgun, rim/center fire). 

I was able to postpone the vote tonight by asking a few questions and generally speaking out against this but I need everyones help to to properly educate the committee and support no further inconvenience for hunters. None of the committee members are hunters and this is purely a knee jerk reaction to some idiot that killed a dog. 

This has also gotten the attention of our state legislatures and they are proposing Tonka's Law which will increase the bow range back to 450' from it's current 150'. This will affect all bow hunters. Article hear:  

Tonka's Law, named for dog shot by hunter, unveiled on Facebook | NJ.com

This ordinance will be on the committees next agenda which is scheduled for 11/20 and the one member pushing this insisted that it will be voted on at this time. Please spread the word and attend the meeting! I'll post the agenda once it's published.

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Unfortunately they are trying to appease the antis freaking out right now. I have serious issue with the certified letters and the ridiculous signage. As a hunter, I try to be as stealth as possible and not draw any attention to myself. Now I’m putting up a billboard advertising what I’ll be doing on my own property. Keep in mind, this applies to any property that is hunted; whether you lease it out, lease out somebody else’s property, or let your friends and family hunt on your property. This is a huge invitation for people to mess with me and my equipment. During the meeting, I mentioned that New Jersey has Hunter harassment laws questioned how the town would be dealing with those complaints. Several police officers were in the room and shook their heads and started laughing. Most of the board had no idea what hunter harassment laws were.

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Did you mention that the dogs owner was in violation of the towns leash law when the dog was killed? And has a history of consistently violating it? And allowing her dog to routinely chase and harass wildlife? All this needs to me made plain, the dogs death was the owners fault for not obeying the law in the first place.

Hunt with a Vizsla, cause life's to short to hunt with an ugly dog! :D RIP Tilly monster. (Attila) 2004-2017.

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As a result, the township committee has proposed a new ordinance that would require ALL property under 6 acres that is hunted on, the owner must notify all immediately adjacent properties AND the town (open to OPRA requests) via certified mail that there will be hunting on your property. Additionally, you must post the property with your name, dates you will be hunting, and what type of weapon you will be using (compound, xbow, muzzy, shotgun, rim/center fire). 


This is ridiculous.  I've never heard of such lunacy to do any activity on your own private property!  Why in the world do you need to notify your neighbors of what you do on YOUR property?  Because your neighbor may trespass on it?!?  That's the premise being set here.


How about neighbors just understand it is illegal to trespass and assume private property is actively being hunted during open hunting seasons per the NJDFW regulation dates?

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This is ridiculous.  I've never heard of such lunacy to do any activity on your own private property!  Why in the world do you need to notify your neighbors of what you do on YOUR property?  Because your neighbor may trespass on it?!?  That's the premise being set here.


How about neighbors just understand it is illegal to trespass and assume private property is actively being hunted during open hunting seasons per the NJDFW regulation dates?

Why in the world do you need to notify your neighbors of what you do on YOUR property? Ans: Because this is New f%$#ing Jersey and you have no right to do what you want on private property.  Remember that your land belongs to the state and they are allowing you to use it.  

This is why I never vote democrat because they don't believe in private property rights among many other things. 

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I really don't know what to say about this state, I moved to Nj about 4 years ago from Somerset PA because of my job. This state seems to impose on everything from your hunting rights to gun ownership, It seems that once I moved over the border I lost all my rights as a hunter or gun owner this state is so restrictive about everything and the taxes are outrageous. I just have to ask has Nj alway's been this way. I hope to soon move back to the family farm in PA.

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Guys, I agree completely with everything you're saying.  If you hunt in Readington or know of anyone who hunts here, please let them know and try to attend the next meeting on the 20th.  I will do my part but i need some help.  


My honest opinion is that if we speak up, this will go away.


I'm going to get a copy of the proposed ordinance and will post it for everyone's review and banter.



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All, I posted this on the other site in response to the discussion there.


I think you’re making a huge mistake using the “blame the victim” defense on this one. When you appear before town councils and other political bodies, as well as vocal residents, and they are addressing a very emotional issue such as one like this, the emotion will carry the day.

Unless, you are able to counter that emotional knee jerk reaction with solid data, facts and figures, that point to how seldom incidents like this actually occur. Whoever is making the argument against ordinances that are drafted with the intention (whether realistic or not) to protect children and pets, will lose every time if you try to base your argument on the passion you have for your sport/hobby. The people on the other side look at the 1-2% of NJ residents that hunt and say, “why do we need this in our neighborhoods?” And the response from most pols will be that they don’t, because the benefit to so few is not worth the risk to the majority!


So, before you attempt to argue this on an emotional basis, I would suggest you take the emotion out of the discussion and substitute as many facts and figures as possible as to why an ordinance such as this would be overkill and in the long term create more of a Deer overpopulation issue then already exists. But you need solid data to support that, or you will not be taken seriously. . It would help to have more voices there, but if they are actually resident hunters it will really have a greater impact.

Non residents are typically disregarded, and especially in this case where it was a non resident that caused the issue in the first place, so probably not a good idea to have non residents, unless that’s all you have. Usually the first question asked is name and then residence, which obviously makes the pols consider their descion when their constituents are on both sides of an issue, of its all one sided, the non residents won’t even be a second thought.

Edited by Pathman
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It's cut and dry pathman, had she obeyed the leash law the dog would never been shot, she let the dog rage free every day, in her own words, the only victim in this whole thing is the dog period, the dogs owner was the principal violater in this, it's on the towns web site. She is 100% at fault no one else. These proposals are based sole on her LAWLESS behavior. Period.

Hunt with a Vizsla, cause life's to short to hunt with an ugly dog! :D RIP Tilly monster. (Attila) 2004-2017.

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As a result, the township committee has proposed a new ordinance that would require ALL property under 6 acres that is hunted on, the owner must notify all immediately adjacent properties AND the town (open to OPRA requests) via certified mail that there will be hunting on your property. Additionally, you must post the property with your name, dates you will be hunting, and what type of weapon you will be using (compound, xbow, muzzy, shotgun, rim/center fire). 



This has basically morphed into anti-hunting legislation on the part of liberal Readington.


The "dates" part is new.    Can you just put September 10 through February 10, or would you need to post exact dates?  If the former, it's essentially a ban on hunting because nobody is going to be put through that every time he/she hunts.

"I wish we could sell them another hill at the same price." - Brigadier General Nathanael Greene, June 28, 1775

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The other thing that this issue has been a real eye-opener for me, is that I've realized that people run as "Republicans" in Readington who are as liberal as Hillary Clinton.


    For example, through this situation it's become obvious that Betty Ann Fort and Liz Duffy are both extremely anti-hunting (though they say they aren't, their words and actions CLEARLY demonstrate otherwise), and they're Readington "Republican" members on the committee.  It's a total farce.  They probably just say they're Republican because they know you cant win as a Democrat in Readington.

"I wish we could sell them another hill at the same price." - Brigadier General Nathanael Greene, June 28, 1775

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It's cut and dry pathman, had she obeyed the leash law the dog would never been shot, she let the dog rage free every day, in her own words, the only victim in this whole thing is the dog period, the dogs owner was the principal violater in this, it's on the towns web site. She is 100% at fault no one else. These proposals are based sole on her LAWLESS behavior. Period.

that dog knew what it was getting itself into, wearing that skimpy collar and acting friendly....

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