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My Lunch Last 3 + Years


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Nope...not a chance. Factory farmed chicken. Wheat. Breading. Industrial vegetable oils. Do you have any idea how bad all of that stuff is for you?


In a pinch, stop at a 5 guys. The beef is decent, get a bowl (no roll) and the fries are ok. Fried in peanut oil, which is a bit inflammatory, but far better than some sort of chemically rendered industrial oil like soybean or canola.

I try not to eat too much of it. Rarely have McDoanlads anymore, no BK, never Taco Bell etc. I will eat up some chic-fil-a though. Peanut oil brother!

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well if you want to compare apples to apples the pesticide laced veggies are right there with the chicken you described above.


Yup. Just trying to steer people in a better direction. Everyone has to start somewhere.


Personally, I get the bulk of my veggies from a top notch CSA. I try to get the rest from local farmers markets. All organic. Same with fruits. Local organic if possible. Then I fill it in with organic produce from wegmans.


The farm share is year-round (they utilize greenhouses) and extremely seasonal in terms of what you get

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Nope...not a chance. Factory farmed chicken. Wheat. Breading. Industrial vegetable oils. Do you have any idea how bad all of that stuff is for you?


In a pinch, stop at a 5 guys. The beef is decent, get a bowl (no roll) and the fries are ok. Fried in peanut oil, which is a bit inflammatory, but far better than some sort of chemically rendered industrial oil like soybean or canola.


When your pure, organic, buff arse is being lowered into your eternal nap spot, my preservative-infused, drive-thru donut palace of a body will throw roses.   :rofl:

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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When your pure, organic, buff arse is being lowered into your eternal nap spot, my preservative-infused, drive-thru donut palace of a body will throw roses.   :rofl:

Very possible. Life is utterly unpredictable.


I eat well bc it makes me feel good the day I eat it and the day after.


When I eat preservatives and donuts I feel like crap within 20 minutes and that awful feeling lasts for days. Most people either feel awful all the time and attribute it to old age or stress or whatever. Eat clean for 30 days and you'll realize that poisoning yourself day after day is the cause of those troubles

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Very possible. Life is utterly unpredictable.


I eat well bc it makes me feel good the day I eat it and the day after.


When I eat preservatives and donuts I feel like crap within 20 minutes and that awful feeling lasts for days. Most people either feel awful all the time and attribute it to old age or stress or whatever. Eat clean for 30 days and you'll realize that poisoning yourself day after day is the cause of those troubles


You're eating all wrong.  rgw and I will show you how it's done.  You can eat anything you want, as much as you want, and not feel like crap.  You might crap a lot, but that just makes more room for food.


I probably eat the worst out of most people.  But when the big one hits and food becomes scares, it's the fat slobs like me with a few weeks' worth of fat who will be the survivors.  You fit people will be dead in a couple of days.   :rofl:

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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The sad part is that most nutrients and vitamins are used up by growing the crops for feeding the livestock. The same livestock is fed all of the vitamins and nutrients for growth and health. Funny how those plants and animals are healthier than most of the humans they feed.....That's not such a bad lunch.

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The sad part is that most nutrients and vitamins are used up by growing the crops for feeding the livestock. The same livestock is fed all of the vitamins and nutrients for growth and health. Funny how those plants and animals are healthier than most of the humans they feed.....That's not such a bad lunch.

Soil depletion is a huge issue in this country. Even buying the best produce from the grocery store doesn't make much difference. The stuff is grown in soil devoid of nutrients. That's why it is important to find local farms that practice active composting techniques and allow stock and fowl to graze the lands in the off season

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