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New 196" state record buck out of Morris county?


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UPDATE:  See the latest from Outdoor Life at http://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/big-buck-zone/2013/11/new-york-mystery-buck and the Mountain Trail Whitetails Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.542246269189161.1073741831.288975444516246&type=3





Friend just txt me about a new state record taken last night in Morris county, supposedly 196" buck, anyone have any details?
Here's the buck!  MONSTER!  Congrats to the hunter, that's an awesome animal!  :up:

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Don't know, saw this posted on Outdoor Life.



November 11, 2013
New York Mystery Buck 


What would deer season be without viral photos of giant bucks with little solid information to go by? Today’s installment comes by way of Rockland County in New York State—just a few miles from the city. Here’s the note we received with the photos and we’ll do our best to get the story as soon as we can. Sure is one heck of a buck.

“Taken by bow in Rockland County, NY on 11/6/13, barely 25 miles from the GW (George Washington) Bridge. Yes, it weighed 350 lbs. I count 14 scoreable points. The great hunter (my cousin's buddy) is ~ 5' 10'', 200lbs by contrast. This is the largest buck (by weight) I've ever known anyone to take. They get bigger,I guess....but not much...just about every year they take a few  (maybe 2 or 3) 300#'s out of Maine.  350 lbs. is just about off the charts for a whitetail...”





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