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? on WMA's with row crops

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I believe that some of the WMA's with row crops (ie corn) have the farming responsibilities leased out. So I know the corn will harvested sometime in October, but my question is about the overgrown edges around the crops. 


Does anyone know if these are generally the responsibility of the farmer or does the State usually maintain them? Any idea who at the State would be best to inquire with? 


I've managed to find an area on a WMA but the trip in goes along the edges of crop that is overgrown to my shoulders. Looks like at some point in time it may have been maintained... Not sure.



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I've emailed DFW to get answers to questions like that. That's the only way to get a definitive answer on whose responsibility it is for a specific WMA and whether or not they plan on cutting down vegetation there. 


URL: http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/contactform.htm


Tell them the specific WMA you are asking about (give them GPS coordinates if its down to a specific spot) and hopefully they can tell you if the plan is to cut down the growth or if they plan on leaving it there. They may not know the farmers harvest schedule, though. But it couldn't hurt to ask them.


I know on a WMA I go on, there are large fields that look to be purposefully left overgrown for small game/rabbit hunters (at least, that's why i think they do it - I never did ask about those fields specifically).


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You can start here, it's a very old post, but it has some relevant information.  The link at the bottom of the post his helpful, and it'll at least get you to a phone number where you can talk to a human being about your specific question.



Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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