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Socialist Hell Hole Promotes Hunting


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Here is a video explaining that modern definitions of "democratic" and "democracy" are not what we think.  These terms in our modern age refer to communist, socialist, and marxist systems of government.  These systems never result in a happy ending for the people.  Unfortunately, actors in support of these systems pop up everywhere, foolishness never being in short supply.


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Don't know exactly how to put but will try.  There are many countries in the global world that are suffering under extream leaderships. let us call some of them 3rd world nations.  They have no natural resources no education. so what are their choices? Welfare from another nation that in most case are socialist nations.

Then come 2nd world nations with natural recourses but still no Education but have a Corrupt form of government that gets labeled Socialism and depend on socialist governments to keep them in power. One prime example everyone is familiar with is Cuba, Taken over with a promise and backed by eventually Russia. who went bankrupt gave them only lip service and so called protection. one country they aligned with was Venezuela as stick and stone is familiar with. On vacation in Aruba, most tourists were from there and Cuba just added that point someone has some money. 

Then comes so called world leaders who pick and chose who they want to support and in many cases chose badly $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The recent wars prove that with the excuse to go to wars was to drive out Communism.  We all know how that worked out.

Sorry if this is all over the place but like I said I did not know how to put it but give it a try.


Opinion. Our news media ---Hollywood --Collages--Snow Flakes all push extream liberalism. And now even more since they Lost the election to a nonpolitician that is --Has and --will expose them for what they are doing pushing Socialism plain and simple.  How close we came if Sanders ever won. Will it happen can it happen here I think and hope not for my Grand Kids sake and for America's sake. 


The constitution has been attacked many time with amendments. But One stands Strong The Right To Bare  Arms. lose that and we lose America as we know it.


All the signs were there Cut Military. Jobs. Welfare for all.  Create a Liberal media.  have Hollywood push it. Remember when they were investigating about Communism in Hollywood.   Sounds like Chicken Little The sky is Falling. But are We are set for a Revolution with or without Weapons?? 

I hope some of this make sense  


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I don't think the government of venezuela is in any position to promote hunting or anything else at this point. 


Article summary:


Lizards taste good. 


Stray pets are eaten in venezuela.


Endangered species are also eaten.


Venezuelan cash is nearly worthless.

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