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After Thoughts


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 Out trying for turkey tuesday,  run n gun. 

After walking and yelping for couple hours finally come across what appears to be fresh turkey tracks on a fire break. Back track down break to a clear spot 75 yards prior, drop a jake decoy lean against a tree 25 yards away and do some light purr & yelping ,,. Get a yelp back two minutes later. I yelp again and see movement form where I saw the tracks. At first I thought a jake, but think/pretty sure it was a hen and small. I manage to yelp back with a box call sitting on ground next to me. Then she started to yelp & cutt back at me as she walked the perimeter of the open area passing to my right and didnt want to do much movement or get busted, already had gun up in ready position. Yelped and cutt back best I could one handed with a box laying on ground. She continued on her way with no tom in tow.


After thought of maybe she wasn't the one yelping and maybe there was another hen with tom just beyond clear area I couldn't see,, this was my first interaction with a hen yelling at me and hope I'm a little more prepared/reactive next time.

 Would a young hen yelp cutt me for no reason?

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Sounds like she may have been looking for the hen that was intruding on her area..  She probly would have come in if you had a hen decoy.   Also learn to use a mouth call. Much easier when they get close..  Or at the least get a push button call that you can put on your gun with a string.   Hope this helps

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