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I am a Pa resident and my dad is a NJ resident. I built him a NJ compliant AR as a Christmas gift for this year, and with the upcoming election I have a feeling we are going to be "let down" again so to avoid any snags I brought the lower with the fixed stock to a gun shop to transfer it to him now. The barrel is out getting the brake pinned so thats why I brought the lower only, and its the only part with serial number. The shop would not transfer it because he could take it and put a short barrel on it or do something to make it non NJ compliant, WTF!!!! You can take any AR and pop off the upper and make it an SBR, varminter,target rifle etc..versatility is the point! He also said he could not even sell a stripped lower to a NJ resident. This shop was in Pa but has 2 other shops in NJ so I figured they would know what to do and there wouldnt be any issues. Has anyone ever heard of this? This is crazy! :banghead:


You can absolutely transfer a lower only in NJ. Must be that particular FFL policy. Call another FFL and have it transferred. Gunbroker.com has an easy search for FFL in his area and transfer prices


I will tomorrow, I was just pissed that I had him drive up here and that happened

You can sell or transfer a stripped AR lower in NJ. The guy doesn't know what he is talking about. In fact you can do the transfer in NJ.




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FFLs in PA do not fully,  and refuse to,  understand NJ law (Can't blame them) and just because he has a shop or two in NJ as well doesn't mean he's any different than others in PA.

If you have a problem with getting it transferred.. Use Pistol Pete in Shamong NJ, if you need me to call him and set it up, PM me. He knows NJ law better than NJ gun lawyers and is very proactive in insuring he helps people with grey area issues from what I surmised from a few conversations with him about politicians and bullshit laws. 


But anyway, why are you transferring a rifle VIA and FFL..??? Or did you just figure it would be easier to send it to him instead of yourself?


Also, maybe a name? It might save one or more of us some time if we try to use them for transfers , usually if they refuse to transfer because they're scared of NJ law, they just aren't worth trying to get anything that needs FFL reception. Those kind of places I just use for supplies.


Also, maybe a name? It might save one or more of us some time if we try to use them for transfers , usually if they refuse to transfer because they're scared of NJ law, they just aren't worth trying to get anything that needs FFL reception. Those kind of places I just use for supplies.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you transfer a long gun from out of state with a certificate of eligibility ? As long as the person receiving the gun has a valid NJ firearms ID card ? A pistol or revolver is a totally different story. A hand gun has to go through a federal firearms license dealer.



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Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you transfer a long gun from out of state with a certificate of eligibility ? As long as the person receiving the gun has a valid NJ firearms ID card ? A pistol or revolver is a totally different story. A hand gun has to go through a federal firearms license dealer.



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Yes, just your FID and proper transfer paper work is needed for long guns in a private transfer even out of state. For instance, you can drive home with a rifle from a sport shop but not a handgun. Handguns need to be sent to an FFL.


I was told no i can not do a transfer out of state to him. I looked it up online and it did say no p2p sales can be across state lines. I dont really even care if it stays in my name since its my dad but i figured it would be easier if there was ever an issue. The shopwas Heritage Guild


Issue solved. Talked to Jim Flynn today and since I was a NJ resident with a valid Firearms ID card at 1 time and I still had the card I could just fill out a certificate of elegibility form as if it was nj res to res, even though I live in Pa now.

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