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listening to 101.5 this morning I heard them say they passed the ban on bear hunting for 5yrs

...kinda sucks but at the same time this could be even heavily favoring us in the long run I truly believe the numbers or bear will skyrocket if that's the case...hagaga them idiots lose they never look at the wide bright picture do they?also the man who was claiming to have killed pedals now says he didn't do it and wildlife officials for the state confirmed he's telling the truth...wtf


I feel the people of nj, owe the bear hunters a debt of gratitude, for getting them out ot the terrible and dangerous bear overpopulation  conditionn in this state.


we have what 2 to 3000 animals now even after 5 or 6years of a managed hunt?4 to 500 animals harvested which comes out to roughly 4 to 5% success ratio..if they stop it for 5yrs that number will skyrocket to probably 10000 plus animals esp with the weather we have had in recent years..I talked to one guy he said he had a sow with 4 cubs that's insane...yup I'll have 5yrs to save up and make plans bUT rest assured we will have the hunt within that time frame it's a requirement we all know this except for Kehoe and the looney professor from ny


hey passed a bill out of committee....that bill still needs to be voted on by the senate and legislature, and then signed by the Governor to become law....I personally don't care about bear hunting one way or the other, but the population needs to be controlled and lethal control is the only viable option...so its either hunters in the woods or sharpshooters. No other alternative will do the job. IF they are so foolish as to pass such a ban, NJ will be over run and the age old practice of "shoot shovel and shut up" will replace hunting....way to many farmers are already pressured by the number of bears as is....they won't allow the population to increase on their property....legal or not


I thought the division of fish and wildlife manage seasons etc..


Now it is the state legislature?

FPC  - "Without either the first or second amendment, we would have no liberty; the first allows us to find out what's happening, the second allows us to do something about it! The second will be taken away first, followed by the first and then the rest of our freedoms." - Andrew Ford


First off it passed out of committee, it needs to go to the Assembly and the Senate for a vote. Then the governor must sign it!


does anybody really think the Anti's or Lesniak cares about Pedals? What they care about is that bowhunting opened their eyes and proved to be too effective for them!


OMG they saw first hand how effectively and quickly a bear could be dispatched by a bow and arrow, we cannot have this? So along comes Pedals Law, feel good legislation that again allows politics to trump science!


Lesniak doesn't have enough problems in this state that a legislator with his amount of time in office has nothing to show for it but anti-hunting legislation. What a shame!


Highest property taxes in America

More taxes coming .23 cent per gallon gas tax

and he's worried about the bears!


How about every nuisance bear trapped in NJ be let free in your district if you love the bears so much, Senator, see how easily you get re-elected.

what a farce!


we have what 2 to 3000 animals now even after 5 or 6years of a managed hunt?4 to 500 animals harvested which comes out to roughly 4 to 5% success ratio..if they stop it for 5yrs that number will skyrocket to probably 10000 plus animals esp with the weather we have had in recent years..I talked to one guy he said he had a sow with 4 cubs that's insane...yup I'll have 5yrs to save up and make plans bUT rest assured we will have the hunt within that time frame it's a requirement we all know this except for Kehoe and the looney professor from ny


The State says NJ has on average 2-3 cubs per sow, whereas Canada has 1-2.  I'll have to dig it up, but using the State's mythical number of estimated bear (at the time around 2,500) and then extremely conservatively estimating the number of sows and cubs,accounting for the hunts, naturals deaths, etc...there should be about 6,000 bear by now.  From just general observations, it seems the population has been exploding over the past couple of years.  How or why they should stop this does not add up. :headscratch:


ok so we ban the bear hunt then the bear nbers skyrocket as we all know will happen they overkill what food source that remains available mind you our wmas and state lands are almost barren of any food source available deer rabbit any type of berry or mast crop then they upgrade their trash cans now yogi can't raid a can so what's left for them to eat??? cat dog kid they'll be busting into people's homes ah man you can't make this up its not good at all.let them get they're 1 2 3 4 5 yr ban all it is is a recipe of chaos brewing


The State says NJ has on average 2-3 cubs per sow, whereas Canada has 1-2.  I'll have to dig it up, but using the State's mythical number of estimated bear (at the time around 2,500) and then extremely conservatively estimating the number of sows and cubs,accounting for the hunts, naturals deaths, etc...there should be about 6,000 bear by now.  From just general observations, it seems the population has been exploding over the past couple of years.  How or why they should stop this does not add up. :headscratch:

I know it's great math isn't it and the quacks can't wrap that in what little brain they have...we've had the hunt for a few years now with a single digit success rate and we haven't even put a zit on the populations ass can you imagine the numbers within a couple to few years lolololol im dying laughing about it...

More bears for when it opens up again...God willing I will definitely be out for them again. I don't think it is going to pass but this is no doubt in response to the "pedals incident". Image is everything for us so push in the tongues, put the animal on the least bloody side, and snap a picture. We don't see it as anything but obviously others don't understand....and definitely don't create a fb page taunting the antis because a lot more people love animals than people who hunt...and most of us are too lazy to go out and fight legislation anyway, so just let it be.


You have to remember that you are rationalizing the anti's irrational argument.  They don't believe the science, they don't believe the Division, and they won't listen to anything else.  Their sole focus is to end hunting completely, nothing more.  They will use an emotional argument littered with false statements contrary to science.  They know that otherwise they cannot win.


The best thing we can do is continually point to the science that the Division has generated and remind people that it is peer-reviewed and publicly available.  I posted the links on another page.  The Policy has dozens of references to other scientific studies done by organizations outside of the Division.  It is deep, scientific, and comprehensive. The antis are quick to dismiss the Division's science, but they cannot dismiss all of the science behind it.  That's the best way to beat them down and defuse their irrational and emotional argument.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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