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Given the quantity of bears in the woods, it's not surprising....Most bears are on their feet this time of year and are "huntable" as opposed to the December hunt when many are denned....You can tell the difference between the two populations easily. Bears that are awake in December fear humans and will wind you and take off....The balance of the bears have zero fear and think you are a nuisance....I was hunting last week and walked to a particular stand in an oak flat with heavy mast crop....There were two young bears (about 125#'s each) in the oaks by the stand....took me a good 20 min of hand clapping and shouting to get them to leave...the entire time they were never more than 40 yards from me, and I'm certain that I could have walked up to either of the two, knocked an arrow and taken them at 10 yards and they would have stood there.....No fear at all. Hopefully that will change with this season!


Given the quantity of bears in the woods, it's not surprising....Most bears are on their feet this time of year and are "huntable" as opposed to the December hunt when many are denned....You can tell the difference between the two populations easily. Bears that are awake in December fear humans and will wind you and take off....The balance of the bears have zero fear and think you are a nuisance....I was hunting last week and walked to a particular stand in an oak flat with heavy mast crop....There were two young bears (about 125#'s each) in the oaks by the stand....took me a good 20 min of hand clapping and shouting to get them to leave...the entire time they were never more than 40 yards from me, and I'm certain that I could have walked up to either of the two, knocked an arrow and taken them at 10 yards and they would have stood there.....No fear at all. Hopefully that will change with this season!

I agree MTH, I actually walked in on the bear I shot 3 times while running baits.  Twice I was able to shush him away, but there was 1 time when I BACKED OUT cause he wasn't leaving.

"Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History" - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


NJ State Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Member
NRA Life Member

NWTF Women In The Outdoors Member

UBNJ Member


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