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When the Democratic nominee for POTUS gets pegged as an Insider Threat by the US Army

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An Army spokesman has confirmed that a training slide that lists Hillary Clinton as an "insider threat" is real. The slide -- which shows Hillary Clinton pictured along with the Fort Hood and Navy Yard shooters -- became an internet sensation after it was posted on the U.S. Army W.T.F! Moments Facebook page on Sunday.

Via the Washington Examiner:


The other photos show retired Gen. David Petraeus, who gave classified information to his biographer and mistress; Nidal Hasan, who carried out the Fort Hood shooting; Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor who exposed classified information before seeking asylum in Russia; Aaron Alexis, the Navy Yard shooter; and Chelsea Manning, who gave classified information to WikiLeaks.


Asked for comment, an Army spokesman confirmed that the photo showed a real training slide that was developed 18 months ago and 
used locally to teach best practices for handling classified information and maintaining operational security
. Maj. Thomas Campbell, a U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command spokesman, said the training slide has been removed.

"As is common with Army training requirements, the local unit was given latitude to develop their own training products to accomplish the overall training objective. This particular presentation had not been reviewed or approved by the unit's leadership, and does not reflect the position of the Army," Campbell said.





I don't see what is so wrong. Why take the slide out? Even the FBI said Clinton was "extremely careless"! Truth may hurt, but it is still the truth. It is true that you have careless people working with classified material and they are a threat to expose that material to people that are not supposed to have it. That matches Clinton to a "T".


I will say this - in my time when I had a clearance and access to classified material (which NEVER left the office - and I had to sign in and out to declare my safe was locked at the end of each day), if I did what Clinton did, I would have been fired the day it was found out and more importantly I would NEVER have gotten another job with the same clearance.


How Clinton is going to be allowed to be voted in as President and be given access to classified material is astounding. Any "normal" person that did what she did (just listen to how the FBI talked about what she did) would never be allowed to ever work in a classified environment again. As Comey said, "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions." How anyone who did this can become President and trusted with highly sensitive and classified information is just unbelievable to me. In my opinion, for this reason alone, she is disqualified from that job (as she should and would be for any other job requiring a high security clearance).


As we have seen Obamas state department is covering for her......



Hillary Clinton is a clear and present danger to the security of this nation.  She has demonstrated that thoroughly enough.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.


Who knows who may have hacked her e-mail account and may be blackmailing her for even MORE secrets... the woman has no right to be president...NONE



She appears to be dressed in traditional Indian (India) garb... Prolly at some "Patels for democrats" fund raiser or something... :rofl:


Posted (edited)

She shouldn't be allowed to run but I'm sure the liberal media will feed more bull to her cult members they're all brain dead anyway

...the way they think still has me puzzled

Edited by smoking gun

Interesting thing... Seems Trump took Christie with him to a security briefing with the FBI.. While I think its a forgone conclusion Christie will have a Major role to play in Trumps administration if he's elected, what exactly will that role will be remains a mystery... :hmmmer:



Interesting thing... Seems Trump took Christie with him to a security briefing with the FBI.. While I think its a forgone conclusion Christie will have a Major role to play in Trumps administration if he's elected, what exactly will that role will be remains a mystery... :hmmmer:


Attorney General.


Just look at yesterday's move by Christie to veto anti-gun legislation and send it back to NJ legislators stating that NJ should be a "shall-issue" state.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.


in one interview assange said that between now and november 8 they are going to release a lot of documents, sounds  like the plan is to release enough at a time so people don't forget and let things settle down....

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