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Daytrip cooler with a durable handle?


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So I'm looking for something more durable, most of the coolers out there are just kinda junky, especially the handles. Nothing worse than carrying a packed cooler to have the handle rip off.

Beyond taking a second mortgage out for a Yeti, what coolers out there do you guys like?

Looking for something around 30 quart for a day trip of drinks/food on the boats.

I have an Igloo with an extendable handle and wheels now, but after a couple years, the handles are worthless as they lock/freeze/rust up and can't be extended any more.

This flip side is this cooler is only about $25, so maybe it's a good option to just get and replace every couple years.



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You're on the right track.  Buy a Yeti and never buy another cooler again, but it costs as much as a trailer, so you'll probably want to live in it.


Or, buy a crappy plastic cooler that you occasionally use and replace it every 3-4 years.


Or, take one of those Omaha Steaks styrofoam coolers they ship in, cover it in duct tape and ratchet-strap it to a hand truck.  The hand truck is virtually indestructible, the styrofoam cooler can be replaced with each Omaha Steaks order, duct tape can be found anywhere, and the ratchet strap will last forever.  Kind of redneck, but everything that goes into building it can be used for something else, so there's that.  And, yes, I've done this.  I used camo duct tape, and the cooler has lasted about 8 years.  My wife actually fashioned duct tape handles for the cooler, so it can be a crafting project for your wife/girlfriend/sister/mom.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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Yeah I hear you... Most of the coolers alone do a good enough job but, i'd like to get one with a better set of handles and more importantly, a better set of larger and more durable wheels... Been keeping my eyes open for one but haven't made it much of a priority.. :cupcoffee:


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Agree, for the price of a Yeti 20 quart Roadie, I can get a new Igloo 28 quart like I have every 2 years for the next 20 years.

Have to figure in 20 years that Yeti will eventually break or wind up stolen.

Obviously the bigger advantage to the Yeti is how much you save on ice, but I'm not using my cooler every day.

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