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On my way shortly.  I only missed one primary vote in my life (stuck at work out of state unexpectedly) and never missed a general election, a record I am proud of.  As I'm fond of saying, if you don't vote, you lose your right to complain about our crooked politicians and processes.  

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If I am independent and want to vote for a party in the primary, do I have to sign up for that party before I vote or can I do it and remain independent?


I thought I heard that I can go to vote as an independent, but had to sign up for a party to vote for their candidate.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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If I am independent and want to vote for a party in the primary, do I have to sign up for that party before I vote or can I do it and remain independent?


I thought I heard that I can go to vote as an independent, but had to sign up for a party to vote for their candidate.

I believe if you are not affiliated with a party you can register as either Republican or democrat before you vote today, but you cannot vote and remain independent. Last spring I went into the primaries unaffiliated and they made me register.  I believe if you are already associated with a third part, (i.e. Green, Libertarian...) you had to change your party affiliation by an arbitrary deadline that has already passed, but I am not positive and would still go to your polling place to try. 

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I believe if you are not affiliated with a party you can register as either Republican or democrat before you vote today, but you cannot vote and remain independent. Last spring I went into the primaries unaffiliated and they made me register.  I believe if you are already associated with a third part, (i.e. Green, Libertarian...) you had to change your party affiliation by an arbitrary deadline that has already passed, but I am not positive and would still go to your polling place to try. 



That's what I thought.  I wanted to cast a vote for Bernie just to spite Swillary, but there is no way in hell I am registering as a Democrat to do that.  There is no shower or soap known to mankind that could wash away that slimy feeling.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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My oldest son came home this past Friday. He has to go back to his military base tomorrow. So, when I came home from work today, I decided to take him to our local voting center to vote. He has never voted before. So, it was pretty cool to witness my son voting for the first time.

"The Nation Which Forgets Its Defenders, Will Itself Be Forgotten".

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