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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Booner3 said:

What butcher did you use Tom?

I used a guy by the name of John Charles 


You can also try

Turasky Meat processing

(217) 522-3345

both are in Springfield

Edited by tcook8296



Got put over the food plot that I saw the two shooters for the morning sit. I was under the impression that I was going there to ensure that we beat the neighbors so we didn't push the deer to them. At 6 the neighbors showed up and pushed all the deer down to us but I was sitting on an afternoon spot. So the deer went into the thicket and I saw nothing until about 1030. Saw 2 does but that was it. Got moved to the thicket. Looked promising, saw a few bucks, saw some does but nothing over 125.

The other hunter saw another shooter but was too far away. Saw a bunch of bucks but no bucks down.

One more day to go.

  • tcook8296 changed the title to Illinois shotgun hunt day 3 Last Day

Was put in the timber this morning and it was pretty slow. Saw some movement but the deer were farther in the thicket than normal. Could barely see them moving with binos. Did see a couple bucks that looked good moving the ridge line in front but to far to really tell.

Plan for the night time was to watch the south half of the corn field that over looks a food plot. However, last night Tcook parked and watched a cut that accesses the north end that has a clover plot that nobody has been put yet and saw a ton of deer. Said someone has to hunt that tomorrow night.

I was trying to get the guide to move me where I was seeing the bucks and he told me that If I want to move I’m moving now to the corn field where a shooter came out last night during shooting hours. So now I’ve been moved to the corn field which is right where Tcook watched last night. This is a spot that I sat twice last year for evening hunts where I saw well over 100 deer but no shooters. 

12 hours ago, Mpdiesel said:

First deer already in the corn field. If it’s like last year deer will just keep coming until it’s time to leave. 

So how’d ya make out? 

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