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Lake George Charter Recommendation

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Going up the week after July 4th, looking for a bass charter.  We have been using Justy Joe’s and while we like him, we want to try bass instead of downrigger trolling all day!  Thanks!

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Wow I was checking on the posts here just killing time and saw this.  What coincidental timing.  I just had a conversation with a co-worker about his Father’s Day and he was telling me about how he chartered a boat on Lake George for bass fishing with his son and his dad.  He said they had a fantastic time and caught lots of bass and  some pickerel.  He said they had many strikes and misses too.  The boat was a pontoon style and would drift in the coves while the three fisherman were throwing in plastics.  They did a couple runs  trolling too, also successful.  Guy said the captain was a good guy with easy conversation.  
Good luck!


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I've gone out in my kayak and even rented a boat to take the kids out, we did very well. If you decide to, try 60 to 80 yards south of Dome Island. We caught a bunch of Bass off Ned rigs. NY requires anyone under 46 to have a boaters license, next year everyone will need one. 

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