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Common Sense

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Common sense....from a farmer:
I’m amazed at the lack of common sense these days. There is a lot of book smart people out there... but not a lot of common sense. You could give some people a fly swatter and they wouldn’t know the first thing about what to do with it.
We’ve all heard of common sense... but where does it come from?? Well most of it is acquired from attending the school of hard knocks, and much of it was also passed down from those that had it passed to them or had the opportunity to gain it for themselves firsthand.
Growing up on a farm, and being around animals and equipment you get a crash course in common sense from a young age. 
Always leave a gate how you found it....unless the bull is about to get out.
The enemy of good is better
Always check an electric fence wire with the back of your hand. Because if you grab hold of it, you might not be able turn loose.
Never accept a challenge to pee over an electric fence the results can be shocking.
If someone says the electric fence wire isn’t “hot” make sure thet ain’t wearing rubber sole shoes on before you give it a touch.
Just because an old milk cow is gentle don’t mean she’ll let ya ride her.
Don’t sneak up on any animal when they’re eating.
All paint horses buck.
Duck eggs laying in the sun are time bombs, don’t mess with em they can go off unexpectedly and the end result stinks.
Some people are like skunks, their behavior is best observed from a distance.
If something won’t start check to see if it has fuel first.
Cross threading a nut is not considered a good alternative to a locknut.
When there’s an option between using a crescent wrench and a boxed end wrench, always go for the boxed end.
A crescent wrench is not a hammer!!
Before you grab a hammer try the penetrating oil.
Screwdrivers are not pry bars, and a pocket knife is not a screwdriver.
You can learn how to make your pa mad and what not to do by watching your brother... and it’s best not to laugh at his outcome.
You’ll hurt people’s feelings less if you just tell it like it is. Trying to be politically correct is the same as trying to pick up a turd by the clean end.
I’ve learned that most of the time luck is spelled “W O R K”.
Men you should never compete with a woman. If you win you haven’t done anything, if you lose you’ll never live it down.
You can go broke buying bargains.
When an old man says “let me tell you something” it’s best to give him your full attention.
Getting in too big of a hurry can waste twice as much time.
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true story.I hunted a farm that had electric fence.

   I knew the gig farmer would turn it on at dusk. Took a friend with me for the first time. Done with night post heading back to the truck I was skinny so I slipped right under the bottom wire. My buddy Ralph had a big belly he wasn't so lucky. he screamed and said you son of a b**** I laughed so hard:rofl:

“In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen.” -Theodore Roosevelt

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9 minutes ago, jumpthestring said:

I graduated from the school of Hard Knocks. Those old saying's are pass down from generation to generation and are spot on.  pay attention and learn from them. 


“In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen.” -Theodore Roosevelt

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"Greatest Generation (GG) starts a company. GG builds the company from the ground up. GG hires American workers, uses American products, and takes great pride in what his company will do for his family and his country.

GG gives his kid Baby Boomer (BB) a job, knowing that BB will work his way up and someday inherit the company GG built. GG knows that this company will prosper and help the family for generations.

BB eventually inherits the company. BB gives his kid GenX (GX) a job for a while, but eventually fires GX to save costs. BB sends most jobs overseas and imports cheap foreigners to make his own way in life like BB did. GX must now compete against cheap labor.

GX has a kid Millennial (ML). ML complains about the low wages, lack of jobs, and competing with the offspring of all the foreign workers BB imported. BB calls ML entitled and whiny. BB says how hard he had it, and how he had to make his own way in life while ML is just entitled.

BB sells his father’s company, cashes out, and retires with riches he never plans to give to his kids. He is going to spend all his money before he dies while collecting social benefits from tax revenue from all the foreigners his political peers continue to import.

This story applies to every aspect of American society. One generation took everything their parents gave them, cashed out, and squeezed society for everything it had. They handed their kids and grandkids the financial and social consequences, and had the audacity to blame everyone but themselves for what happened."

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