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Compact Tractor Recommendations Wanted

Herd Buck

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Looking to purchase a new or used compact tractor for maintaining  trails, brush hogging, moving downed trees, etc at our hunting camp wanted recommendations on brands, if you think adding a backhoe to the front loader is worth it and any other advice

Use it too often and camp is to far to rent daily/weekly anymore, also if anyone has one for sale or know a place that has used ones for sale you have dealt with and had a good experience let me know.



Edited by Herd Buck
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I run a 50hp Kubota to do all my foodplots and work around the farm. They are great machines. Change the oil and keep them greased and that's pretty much all you will need to do. Go with 4wd and a front end loader for sure. Also want an ag tire not turf. 

A back hoe attachment is nice but putting on and taking off could be a PIA. 

Some attachments you want would be a bush hog, a tiller or heavy disk , a pto  spreader a cultipacket, and a sprayer. 

I have had both a tiller and a disk. After using both I prefer the tiller. I think it makes a much nicer seed bed. 

30 hp minimum.  


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Another vote for Kubota.  My year 2007 B7800 was a rental unit for three years before i got it.  Plenty of scars on it from being whipped like a rented mule.  It has served me well for rototilling, brush hogging, snow removal, and firewood/tree hauling all these years.

 A set of pallet forks is all that is needed to lift and move giant piles of brush.

Maintenance of the tractor is very important.  Keep it garaged if possible too.



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I went with Kubota L2501. 

Grapple and forks are a must for your usecase Everything you own will be on pallets. Kubota backhoe are a breeze to take one and off. Easier than you might imagine once you get the hang of it. Backhoe option is probably close to $9k extra now a days... 

Weight is just as important as HP. After buying a tractor you'll question why you didn't years ago. Adding years of life to your back.

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