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Shout Out To Simon Peter's !!!


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Dropped off my Tenpoint Havoc last week after the string snapped.  

With it being hunting season I wasn't optimistic on getting it back anytime soon. Last evening I got the call, it was ready !! Extremely quick turn around !!

Obviously new string and cables replaced as well as both cams.  Hopefully time tomorrow to sight it back in




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  • BHC changed the title to Shout Out To Simon Peter's !!!
12 minutes ago, nmc02 said:

Not to high jack thread, but why do crossbow strings break so frequently??

This was the first one for me, it happened while it was resting on table while I retrieved a bolt off the ground 

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47 minutes ago, nmc02 said:

Not to high jack thread, but why do crossbow strings break so frequently??

It's usually the result of a dry fire or partial dry fire in the case of a new bow. Dry fires occur for many reasons. Nock not seated against string, arrow loaded incorrectly, incorrect type of nock. An older bow with 100's of shots may have serving issues that are not visible unless you inspect your bow frequently. Sometimes it's just stupidity. Waiting too long before you get the string/cables replaced. Generally speaking, the more FPS the bow shoots, the more it will eat up strings/cables. I have two older bows that still have the same ones for 5 years. I have newer bows that needed them replaced after a year or two.

Edited by archer36
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10 minutes ago, Buckeyes11 said:

Imo it’s shitty strings. Had an issue on first time shooting on 3 different xbows. I put on 60x strings. Zero issues. 

I agree that some custom string makers are superior to stock strings. The problem is they void your warranty. 

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