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saxon falls/ muscontong river fishing today


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I took day off from work- have never been to this place but felt like flyfishing for trout- Its a 2 hour ride from my house on the jersey shore, so i left in the dark to make the trek. 

River appeared to be a foot or maybe a foot and half higher then normal but was clear- some brown caddies and some type of small size 20 grey bug were around. No splashing seen. Tried a bunch of different flys from nymphs, drys, wooly buggers and clousers and this spot, some places in Stephens state park, and some town park in Hacketstown. Thought the park in Hacketstown had the most interesting water but river was ripping pretty good. Ended up with no trout or smallys, a few pumpkin  seeds and some type of white fish that looked like a small shad. Day was nice, ran into 1 other fisherman, but other than that had river to myself. Much different then the south branch that I usually go to but very enjoyable day. Have fished the musky in Bloomsbury so I wanted to check out a whole different section. Left at 230 to do the RT 287 grind home for wifes dinner but would go back to look at it when river levels are down, as I might have better success. 

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Guys like it at 190 or 200 cfs!  I really don’t fish a whole lot but belong to a club with diehards.  

I run my GSP at the River everyday and it’s been honking!

Good luck!

PS— it looks way too fast to duck hunt without a Lab, the birds would be down River real quick!

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