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Right on time! Bear hunt AND NJ Fish & Game Council lawsuit


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I'd say, "I predicted it" (because I did) but then again, if a lawsuit WASN'T filed this close to the season opener, that would have been a surprise.


I'm moving this up to the OP from a later comment I posted in this thread - this is important to understand:

This goes above and beyond just a bear hunt. It will effect every hunter, trapper, and angler.

You should have interest in this even if you are not a bear hunter.

  • Do you just hunt deer? This will affect you!
  • Do you just hunt waterfowl? This will affect you!
  • Do you just freshwater fish? This will affect you!

From the NJSFSC email:

"This time is another angle to stop the bear hunt once and for all.  And another attempt to end the NJ Fish & Game Council as we know it."

Read what Lesniak and his environmental extremists have been threatening to do (and what they have apparently now done). He is suing to eliminate the current make-up of the 11-member NJ Fish and Game Council. He wants to strike down the statute that allows the NJSFSC to nominate 6 council members and that allows for 3 farmer representative on the Council.

In effect, they want their anti-hunting, anti-fishing, anti-trapping, anti-science animal rights extremists on the Council - and you can imagine what that will do to all the rules and regulations that effect all hunters, trappers, and anglers, not to mention the havoc it will cause for our wildlife populations and public land management.



Edited by mazzgolf
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Here's a list of all your NJ sentators and reps - send emails telling them you support science and the bear hunt and the makeup of the Fish and Wildlife Council: https://www.anjrpc.org/page/CombinedLegEmailAddr

Note: the Lesniak lawsuit is going WAY beyond stopping the bear hunt.  Everyone needs to pay attention to this one. This is more than just about bears. It will effect EVERYTHING from hunting to trapping to even fishing.

He is trying to overthrow the entire council system whereby the NJSFSC nominates 6 of the 11 council members, with 3 other members of the Fish & Game council representing farmers. This is a big one if it succeeds. In the 70s the Humane Society tried this once, and it failed, but who knows what'll happen this time around.


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Yep it was inevitable!

During 6 day it was only days when they filed. Two weeks this time plenty of time for the judge to overrule/dismiss and throw out. Murphy didn't ignore the complaints and the data last time bear situation has gotten worse I'd be shocked if he didn't support allow the hunt to go on

“In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen.” -Theodore Roosevelt

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Last year.Lesniak

I will sue Murphy to stop looming bear hunt in N.J., former top Democrat says

Yeah and how did that work out :rofl:

I wonder where the money really goes


Edited by hunterbob1

“In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen.” -Theodore Roosevelt

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As I have no interest in the hunt my comment will be bias but I would never ever purchase a Bear Permit again for those that have and let those animals be burdened by the soon to be nuisance bears . It’s a shame that there’s no permit to procreate in this state or perhaps there should be ??? 🧐

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But this goes above and beyond just a bear hunt. It will effect every hunter, trapper, and angler.

You should have interest in this even if you are not a bear hunter.

  • Do you just hunt deer? This will affect you!
  • Do you just hunt waterfowl? This will affect you!
  • Do you just freshwater fish? This will affect you!

From the NJSFSC email:

"This time is another angle to stop the bear hunt once and for all.  And another attempt to end the NJ Fish & Game Council as we know it."

Read what Lesniak and his environmental extremists have been threatening to do (and what they have apparently now done). He is suing to eliminate the current make-up of the 11-member NJ Fish and Game Council. He wants to strike down the statute that allows the NJSFSC to nominate 6 council members and that allows for 3 farmer representative on the Council.

In effect, they want their anti-hunting, anti-fishing, anti-trapping, anti-science animal rights extremists on the Council - and you can imagine what that will do to all the rules and regulations that effect all hunters, trappers, and anglers, not to mention the havoc it will cause for our wildlife populations and public land management.


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  • mazzgolf changed the title to Right on time! Bear hunt AND NJ Fish & Game Council lawsuit
7 minutes ago, Mixbaghunter said:

If they stop the hunt can I sue them if I get attacked by bear .turn it around on them. 

Sure Go ahead

And just when the judge he/she thought they heard them all.lol

“In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen.” -Theodore Roosevelt

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1 hour ago, chenrossi said:

Another attempt to end the FG council as we know it? :huh: That's a bit of a stretch and honestly kind of embarrassing to utilize those scare tactics....

I stand by that statement.

How is the FG council, as we know it today, made up? By statute, 6 members are nominated from NJSFSC - the majority of the 11 seats. Thus, rules and regulations handled by the FG Council have the backing of sportsmen and sportswomen of New Jersey.

Lesniak and team is suing to do away with that statute - they want to do away with the majority members being nominated by the NJSFSC. Presumably, they want the Governor to be able to nominate whoever he chooses for all the seats and/or they want the right to nominate their own members of Sierra Club/Humane Society/similar groups on the Council. If this is allowed, it is possible they may get a majority on the Council (by their own nominations and by liberal Democrat governor nominations).

If you go from 6 members (the majority) of NJSFSC-backed members to losing that majority and members replaced with potentially a majority of members backed by the Sierra Club/Humane Society/etc - I maintain that in that case the FG Council will end as we know it (at least its voting behavior will have ended as we have known it - and that's really all that matters).

Just read the dissenting opinion of the 1970s Supreme Court ruling and you can see how dramatic the change could potentially be. (The Sierra Club/Humane Society actually already won a practically identical case in a lower court back in the 1970s; it was only overturned when it reached the NJ Supreme Court, and that wasn't overturned by unanimous decision either).


From the dissenting opinion:



".. not only are plaintiffs' [Sierra Club, Humane Society, et. al] concerns distinguishable from those of the groups which are represented on the Council, but in certain instances they may be diametrically opposed. Sportsmen and environmentalists often (though not always) operate from different premises. The Council through its component organizations, for example, attempts to meet its conservation mandate solely by the regulation of hunting and the propagation of different species of animals. Plaintiffs, on the other hand, view conservation in terms of a broader ecosystem within which game animals and their relative numbers are merely singular components. This broader view of conservation is reflected in the greater range of activities in which plaintiffs participate. These activities, which include backpacking, camping and birdwatching are clearly affected both by the decisions of the Fish and Game Council and by the often adverse interests of the groups which are now represented on the Council."


The Sierra Club/Humane Society wanted the FG Council to change from operating in the "interests of the groups which are now represented on the Council" to operating with concerns that are "diametrically opposed" to those groups.

Now, if they get majority votes, nothing they do not approve of will pass the FG Council. Regulations and rules that are anti-hunting, anti-trapping, anti-fishing will at minimum be seriously entertained in the Council, if not outright approved. That's why I say the FG Council could end as we know it - certainly, they will vote in a manner that has never been seen before.

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2 minutes ago, mazzgolf said:

I stand by that statement.

How is the FG council, as we know it today, made up? By statute, 6 members are nominated from NJSFSC - the majority of the 11 seats. Thus, rules and regulations handled by the FG Council have the backing of sportsmen and sportswomen of New Jersey.

Lesniak and team is suing to do away with that statute - they want to do away with the majority members being nominated by the NJSFSC. Presumably, they want the Governor to be able to nominate whoever he chooses for all the seats and/or they want the right to nominate their own members of Sierra Club/Humane Society/similar groups on the Council. If this is allowed, it is possible they may get a majority on the Council (by their own nominations and by liberal Democrat governor nominations).

If you go from 6 members (the majority) of NJSFSC-backed members to losing that majority and members replaced with potentially a majority of members backed by the Sierra Club/Humane Society/etc - I maintain that in that case the FG Council will end as we know it (at least its voting behavior will have ended as we have known it - and that's really all that matters).

Just read the dissenting opinion of the 1970s Supreme Court ruling and you can see how dramatic the change could potentially be. (The Sierra Club/Humane Society actually already won a practically identical case in a lower court back in the 1970s; it was only overturned when it reached the NJ Supreme Court, and that wasn't overturned by unanimous decision either).


From the dissenting opinion:

The Sierra Club/Humane Society wanted the FG Council to change from operating in the "interests of the groups which are now represented on the Council" to operating with concerns that are "diametrically opposed" to those groups.

Now, if they get majority votes, nothing they do not approve of will pass the FG Council. Regulations and rules that are anti-hunting, anti-trapping, anti-fishing will at minimum be seriously entertained in the Council, if not outright approved. That's why I say the FG Council could end as we know it - certainly, they will vote in a manner that has never been seen before.

The problem which I’m referring to, is that statement/scare tactic by them means dog shit to the majority of hunters who see right through it and find it significantly unrelatable. It only hits home for members thatre like over 65-70 who are on their way out of hunting and preserving the sport anyway, who think they’re fighting this good fight. It’s no wonder just like so many other organizations,  they’re so out of touch with their constituents and complain they can’t get new people in. No one wants to listen to a bunch of back in my day bs from people twice their age and they sure as hell don’t want to hear someone half their tell them how to change their line of thinking. You look at any study, non hunters find these groups statistically equally repulsive to animal rights groups because their message is so narrow. It’s sad at best. 

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7 hours ago, mazzgolf said:

But this goes above and beyond just a bear hunt. It will effect every hunter, trapper, and angler.

You should have interest in this even if you are not a bear hunter.

  • Do you just hunt deer? This will affect you!
  • Do you just hunt waterfowl? This will affect you!
  • Do you just freshwater fish? This will affect you!


 I  100 % agree with you I should but I don’t know about the rest of you ….I’m kinda tired of fighting & arguing about the same old things . For the last decade all I’ve seen is division and competition amongst sportsmen and this state is just not friendly to 90% of what we enjoy whether it be shooting hunting , riding ATVs or fishing. Society has taken a turn and unfortunately we are in the minority. 

Chenrosi is completely on point when making this statement . Remember only 2% of NJ population engage in the hunting sport . We are viewed as barbaric and antiquated yet we fund all the parks that they enjoy and if not for sportsmen there’d be no conservation.  As in any situation the only winner here are the Lawyers 

4 hours ago, chenrossi said:

You look at any study, non hunters find these groups statistically equally repulsive to animal rights groups because their message is so narrow. It’s sad at best. 



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