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NYS wolves!

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14 minutes ago, gregtpal said:

I'm right there too....been hunting that area 42 years now.  Have only seen 1 yote & no wolves in all that time.  I am wondering why NYSDEC was hesitant to release the info.  Maybe they didn't want wolf lovers to use the info to push for changes to hunting using protecting wolves as the excuse.

I mentioned on the NYWW site that NY DEC isn’t doing themselves any favors for not admitting wolves are in NY after they sat on the mountain lion that they knew was in the Lake George area that was later hit and killed by car in CT. As soon as that cat was killed, NY spoke up and said they had DNA which matched the CT roadkill. Why hold back if you’re a government agency? 

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40 minutes ago, gregtpal said:

Maybe they didn't want wolf lovers to use the info to push for changes to hunting using protecting wolves as the excuse.

Just read that article in the OP - that immediately has happened already!!



Some of the coyote management reforms that are needed to protect wolves include:

The coyote hunting season should be reformed. Currently, it’s a 6-month season with 24 hour a day hunting, with no daily or seasonal bag limits. Hunters can kill as many coyotes as they please.

Coyote hunting should be for a season of no longer than ninety days, and the hunting of coyotes by night should be prohibited. The Department should establish bag limits for coyotes and shall establish size limitations for the taking of coyotes.



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1 hour ago, Bucksnbows said:

I mentioned on the NYWW site that NY DEC isn’t doing themselves any favors for not admitting wolves are in NY after they sat on the mountain lion that they knew was in the Lake George area that was later hit and killed by car in CT. As soon as that cat was killed, NY spoke up and said they had DNA which matched the CT roadkill. Why hold back if you’re a government agency? 

Credibility down the drain.....

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59 minutes ago, mazzgolf said:

Just read that article in the OP - that immediately has happened already!!


I'd like to pretend I said that because I really know what I'm talking about, have more insight into the situation than the average person, etc. but I said it because I read the article... 

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There are no wolves in New York State- Period...! (I wish that was true!) We had the same situation happen in Maine with the Canada Lynx. And it has been disastrous! A few lynx dropped down from the border with Canada and were killed in Body Grip traps. The Anti hunting groups quickly used this to take the State Of Maine to Federal Court and succeeded in destroying the traditional trapping methods for the trapping of land animals in the entire state. Even though there were only a few lynx in Maine, and part of a huge population in Quebec, New Brunswick, and Ontario, the anti's were able to convince a Federal Judge to place the lynx on the US Federal Endangered Species List.

The wolf situation in New York could lead to serious hunting and trapping bans in New York . This is not good! 

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I totally understand why they are completely dishonest, whether it’s the correct way or not. 

People, even hunters, will be saying now, I told you I’ve seen wolves! I knew we had wolves! And reports of wolves will sky rocket. People will believe that we have a living and breeding population, just like the whole Mountain Lion incidents.  Every 40+lb coyote is now going to be a juvenile wolf. I mean how many times do we already see that lol. 

That just means more people gunning to protect something that isn’t there, which means more restrictions on us, the hunters. 

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