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My old Frontier has served me well but is now for sale in the classifieds section.  Got a 2022 version

This is my only vehicle so it has to be a multi tasker lol hunting fishing camping shooting and daily driver

I am planning on ordering a cap for my new truck to do some camping from.  Mostly just want a secure place to crash in the back of my truck for a few hours at night during the summer after ive been on the lake for 12+ hours up in NY State.

Some people i talk to love there caps, some complain about leaks etc.  Just interested in hearing some more opinions before I invest in one.  I am surprised at the price of them over $3k with a few add ons

Also interested in suggestions for adding some extra light etc if anyone can point me in the right direction.







Nice man! Did your old cap leak or any other major issues?

looks like you got a long bed with larger backseat?  I had to get a short bed if I wanted the Pro-4x trim which is unfortunate.

im gonna put in some Decked storage drawers in the bed, so the tonneau type cover would give me very little room but that looks like a nice one.  

Ar you gonna add anything else to your truck?

Posted (edited)

The old cap water did get in but very little

I got a 2022 Tacoma Off Road Double Cab Longbed

Besides the Diamondback, I did a few cosmetic mods, but I'm not doing a lift at all

Edited by BHC

My first truck (which was my dad's who then gave it to me) was a Ford Ranger with a nice cap. I loved that cap. Never leaked. Because it was a cap and not a tonneau, I was able to pile stuff in the back higher than the walls of the bed and just not care about things getting wet or out in the weather - it was great. But I couldn't haul really large items - had to fit inside the cap.

I got rid of that truck and bought a Tacoma which came with a tri-fold tonneau. I'm still not 100% sold on the tonneau but it isn't bad. It leaks (more than my cap!) so I do have to worry about that - not a lot of water, but just enough that if I put something in the back sensitive to getting wet, I have to worry about it. But I like the tonneau for one reason - I can easily fold it back all the way (or take it off completely) so I can haul large items (like large appliances or big pieces of furniture or things like that). Can't do that with the cap - the height of the cap ceiling limits what you can haul. At least the cap I had, it wasn't trivial to take it off (in fact, I never did - was afraid I would never be able to get it back on right again). But the tonneau I can easily take off and put back on (takes just a few minutes to do either).

If you were to ask me which I would want - cap or tonneau - I still don't think I know what my answer would be. There are pros and cons to both.

CAP: lots of room to stack things without worry about it getting wet.  Doesn't leak (at least not as bad as a tonneau - my old cap never leaked a drop). But you can't store/haul really tall items and bulky items will be hard to get into the bed through the cap opening. Cap is hard to temporarily remove and put back on.

TONNEAU: not as much room to store things under the cover to get out of the weather. But it is easy to temporarily remove in case you do need to haul lots of stuff (just don't do it in the rain unless what you are hauling doesn't mind getting wet). It leaks (at least mine does).


Cons of a cap: people will ask to haul large crap for them, also not aerodynamic therefore small lost in gas consumption 


I had a truck bed tent,it was great! Surprisingly roomy. I loved the fact that you are off the ground.


I run a leer truck cap. I have dogs so I have a drawer system, crates, LED lights, fan set up and power supply.

I followed this light set up for my truck - Super bright LED light bars, metal clips attach right to window screws. I run two long and one short. A rocker switch I tapped into the cap electric.



Plenty of light. I have looked at how people add sleeping arrangements, solar set ups, even make shift AC units. For me, I don't have a problem sleeping in my front seat and leaving the bed the way it is, but again, I have dogs. If it were a situation where I was looking to sleep I would invest in a bed camper that extends. 

She explains a lot about truck campers and different set ups and equipment, AND she is easy on the eyes. - 


FPC  - "Without either the first or second amendment, we would have no liberty; the first allows us to find out what's happening, the second allows us to do something about it! The second will be taken away first, followed by the first and then the rest of our freedoms." - Andrew Ford


i have a cp on my old POS dodge and its handy. its an ARE. doesnt leak much and its 2003. I just find myself throwing stuff in there temporary as well just to keep out of rain. its full size truck so man its a bitch taking on an off. i use a trailer to get mulch stone and stuff. you can't fit a garden tractor in there either ive found that out hard way when i went to buy one. we just sawzall the steering wheel off as it was bought for the engine. you can get some caps with a bump up in the back I'm guessing that gives you extra clearance. 

13 minutes ago, Haskell_Hunter said:

Yea but Mike Myers can knife right through that lol

FPC  - "Without either the first or second amendment, we would have no liberty; the first allows us to find out what's happening, the second allows us to do something about it! The second will be taken away first, followed by the first and then the rest of our freedoms." - Andrew Ford

15 minutes ago, thefirstndsecond said:

Yea but Mike Myers can knife right through that lol

The person lying on the cot has a 9mm and .40 S&W with them.  Bring it on, Mikey!

And if the guns don't stop him, I bet he'll think twice after getting stuck in my wheel well  as I hit every pothole on the road.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.


I went with a jeraco extra high cap with no side windows. Couple totes in the front of the bed with misc stuff kept in place with a ratchet bar. If water gets in its not enough for me to notice. 

One option I will recommend is for the front window to tilt in to ease cleaning between the cap and cab of the truck windows,,, awesome feature.

The extra high cap allows the use of a 5 gal bucket lined with bags for a potty when hunting, out fishing or an oh-no road emergency. 

Wife and I use our turkey chairs to chill when hunting or when rain starts while beach fishing. For chilling in the rain I have a couple pieces of 550 cord to hook on the back window latches to hold the rear window angled down or all the rain will run into your bed,, think a rain fly.




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