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So I hunt my parents back yard and keep a cell camera in the yard year round. Back in April the camera gets stolen and i get pictures of the back seat of a mini van and a perfect picture of a handicap placard. I call the local PD 5 times and leave a message for the detectives. No return call ever. This went on for over a month.

I explained that i was worried someone might steal the camera so they could break into the house. Nobody cared.

On the other site someone kept telling me call fish and game. I did not listen until i was so frustrated with the local PD.

Within 10 minutes of leaving a message i got a call from and officer from Fish and Game. He asked me to send him a picture of the handicap placard.

Within 5 minutes he called back and told me he knew who it was. The name is familiar and family friend who has been watching the house for my parents while they were away! Thank you Fish and Game ! they are going to speak with him. I wanted to go but know i would probably end up in trouble so i will leave it to them. I cannot imagine someone my family has known for so many years would pull this crap. He has done some off color stuff before but this is over the  top. Hopefully he gets a ticket and has to go to court 


That really sucks when a trusted friend of the family breaks that trust and steals from you. I would be interested in how the plays out let us know.

Over the years the US has sent many of its fine young men & women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return, is enough to bury those that did not return. COLIN POWELL





9 minutes ago, nmc02 said:

Sign a citizen complaint for theft w your municipal court

Never helped him before why would they help him now?

“In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen.” -Theodore Roosevelt

4 hours ago, JD48 said:

revenge is sweeter , when the knife is cold

Well if he does not get his camera back he should take him to court with info he can get from the f&g. It would be sweet to force him to face you in court. 

3 hours ago, hunterbob1 said:

Never helped him before why would they help him now?

If he signs the complaint he does it through the Court. No police involvement unless he reports it stolen to them for documentation. He already has that with Fish and Game

There is nothing more intolerant than a liberal preaching tolerance 

God gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers

"Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy."


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