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History of NJ Fish Wildlife

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1675 - The first wildlife regulation in New Jersey provides for a bounty of 15 shillings for each grown wolf killed.

1679 - The General Assembly prohibits the export of dressed skins from deer killed by Indians.

1722 - The first regulation protecting game is passed establishing a season for the killing of deer.

1765 - An Act of the General Assembly prohibits deer hunting at night.

1771 - The deer season is set from September 1 to December 31 and it is made unlawful to hunt with the aid of a dog.

1798 - An Act of the General Assembly "suppressing immorality" makes it unlawful to shoot, hunt or gun, or to take fish, on Sunday.

1850 - A law protecting "small and harmless birds" (songbirds) is enacted.

You can read the rest at...

https://www.nj.gov/dep/fgw/history.htm#:~:text=1944 - Despite loss of revenue,the new Department of Conservation.

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