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Past few weeks lots of pain off and on Monday hit the hardest blurd vision and left leg went numb.

Dr on Tuesday, herina on left side definitely and possible also on right.

Meeting with surgeon on Tuesday.

If anyone has experience, what time frame is expected.

All pain levels are different so just experience is what I'm looking for

Not a complete a$$ hole just one of the dingle berries that hang off it.


Ohh noooo .. I've had alot of broke bones and other Injuries but the hernia was upthere as one of the worst. Was working in a kitchen when it completely tore I tried to drive myself to the hospital ended up needing an ambulance to bring me there. Excruciating pain. Recovery sucked and getting back to doing things again was not quick 


Had bi lateral inginual hernia surgery. Was told the lads were going to turn purple and swell the size of avocados. NEVER HAPPENED . Guess i was lucky. Never needed any prescription meds, but stuck with lots off ice, 2 Advil then 6 hrs later 2 Tylenol , and kept that up for about a week. Hurt like hell sitting up from , or lying down in a bed or chair , but other than that not bad. No heavy exercise or work for about 8 weeks. But regular light activity after about 2 weeks. The worst part is the mesh used to contain the hernia ! It’s been about 5 years and it still feels like its ripping internally when i lift heavy stuff. 


I had the same surgery.  The Doc said no driving or working for 2 weeks,  my wife said that if she missed her Zac Brown concert because of me I was a dead man.  So less than 24 hours after surgery I was driving to Bethel Woods and hobbling across a half mile of rolling fields to walk from the car to the concert hall.  :rofl:

Since I survived the concert I went back to work the next day, humping 5 gallon buckets of paint around.   :shakehead:


Last year during my physical Doc told me my left side was getting weak (whatever that means) I’ll be going back in a few weeks for this years physical and I’m hoping I I don’t have to go through this. Good luck! I’ve heard mixed reactions from different people.

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It all depends on how bad the tear is. Don't want to discourage you but it HAS to be repaired.If its strangulates you are in big trouble. You'll get through it!

Good Luck

1 hour ago, OldMenRule said:

As an average two to three weeks and then light activity. Sounds silly but get active as soon as possible. 

My son was told the same thing. Get up and walk or stand. As little as possible of sitting during the day


Had three repairs done. 2 while on active duty. It all sucks! The worst part of it is, I still have lots of pain, and some numbness in a spot that will never go away. But as toxo pointed out, it has to be done. 


I had one right side inguinal hernia repaired with mesh.    2 years later doing great - can feel the scar tissue at times.   Recover wasn't all that bad, take it easy for a few days then can walk around more and more.  Main thing is to LISTEN TO THE DR about the recovery and stick to it.  Be smart - good luck.    You will recover for sure. Get it done ASAP

Nothing spooks deer more than my stank… 

16 3/4” Live Fluke Release Club

I shot a big 10pt once….

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