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I have a second permit to use in about 20 days.

I am interested in a 10 mm handgun. I know ammo is non existent right now but willing to buy and wait. 

I have my FFL looking would prefer target or adjustable sights and 5 " barrel 

23 minutes ago, Slayer1962 said:

Thank you . Have been trying to get my FFL to look on there 

I usually do what @electric10162 suggested.  Go to Gunbroker.  Find gun.  Win auction.  Pay for auction.  Contact FFL about auction.  Have your FFL send their FFL all of the contact info and such.  Confirm with seller that their FFL is good to go.  Go to your FFL when he gets the firearm.  Do NICS.  Smile all the way home.  Oh, and don't forget to give the seller a rating on the sale.

It's very easy to do.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

9 minutes ago, Slayer1962 said:

So I actually buy it and just have it shipped to local FFL?  seems pretty easy as long as i let him know ahead of time 

Actually after you win/buy then the FFL's will probably exchange FFL copies. Some FFL's may charge an exorbitant fee for the transfer, but truth be told it is a very easy way for them to make money because they are not tracking the piece down nor laying out any money for inventory but only exchanging paperwork, accepting delivery then doing your paperwork.

Some guys have been price gouging on the transfers too because of so many purchases and transfers, and they have been making a ton of money.

In 99.9% of the transactions you will pay the shipping costs too.

Good luck.

18 minutes ago, Slayer1962 said:

So I actually buy it and just have it shipped to local FFL?  seems pretty easy as long as i let him know ahead of time 


I always buy it and after buying it and paying for it I send an email or call my FFL.  Your FFL has to exchange information with the seller's FFL.  Most of the time the seller on Gunbroker of a new gun is an FFL.  All FFLs have a process of information exchange they need to go through prior to the firearm being shipped.  Nearly all sellers understand this.  It seems a bit weird the first time you go through it, but by the eighth or ninth time it's real easy.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.


If you got that one for 1075. Israel makes fantastic handguns. Work on them is perfect, Beautiful weapon!!!















Make sure your ffl will take guns from gun broker I called a few trying to check transfer prices. Not all will do gun broker.

I used gun broker twice this year and found a ffl on their files that was close to me and he was easily $40 cheaper then most places.

Another tip is if bidding wait till close to the end of the bid to place bids. If you bid early you will have the highest bid and get your hopes up only to have your soul taken in the last hour. I used the buy now option and bought both my guns for cheaper then the bids went for on the same models.

it’s addicting 


I paid $40 transfer fee and $16 nics check $56 total 

He was listed as a ffl on gun broker. I didn’t have to have him send his number or confirmation to the seller since it was already on file on gun broker. I called him and asked if he was still doing transfers for gun broker, he told me after I buy the gun just email him so he would expect it and he would let me know when it arrived.

I bought my guns and was able to track them to his door with fed ex tacking. He called me later that night and the next day I did the transfer. I had to wait till the following day to get it due to state police being backed up.

I was happy with how everything went.

27 minutes ago, Slayer1962 said:

nice thanks for the help. my ffl has not responded yet. i figured $100 on top of the price would be fair 

What?  No way.

I have two FFLs that I have used.  One charges $65 for everything (NICS, etc.) and the other is free because I am a member of the range.  $100 is way too much.  You can do a lot better shopping around.

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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