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Saw this on another site.  Glimmer of light, in unsure times.

What is on TV and social media is not the real America. This is the real America, something I saw. This was the night before the sad events at our country's capital.

We were in Charleston SC visiting our youngest daughter earlier this week. One evening around 6-7 PM when there is a lot of traffic, we came upon a car with flashers blinking in the center turning lane at a stoplight. Three lanes in each direction. Going across the road from the center, in front of all lanes, was an old small plain white pickup, one of those old-school tiny Toyota or Ranger sized pickups. It has flashers on and someone is pushing it by the tailgate. The guy pushes it into the parking lot of a gas station at the intersection and the driver steers it to the side.

An old white man got out of the truck. He wasn't a wealthy man if you judge the truck and how he was dressed, but he was in no way destitute either.

The guy pushing the car was a younger black man, I'd say late 20s.

The black man was dressed in a style that we see stereotyped on TV. Dark clothes, a dark hoodie with some team logo on it. Baggy long pants.

They gave each other a little wave, and the traffic waited until the young man crossed in front of them to get back to his stopped car in the center lane. No one was laying on the horn for someone to "MOVE YOUR A**" like some would do in such a situation.

A man had car trouble. He was older, and certainly beyond his physical prime. Probably grew up in the South in a time where racism was more prevalent. He was white. A younger, more physically strong man saw his fellow human being and fellow American in trouble, and did not hesitate to offer a helping hand. He was black. They waved, I am certain they said thank you and you're welcome, and they went on their ways.

That's the real America. Not what the politicians might say, not what the mainstream and social media might say, not what those who spew the loudest and thus get the camera time say.

I saw the real America and it is still good.


so true...we need to slow down, me most of all.

I was late for an appointment and got to a light with a vehicle in front of me . Light turns green and I start laying on the horn, 1, 2, 3 times.....boy did I feel really small when the firetruck that I didn't even notice rolls thru the light. I hope the driver in front of me saw my arm  wave apologies.  

My solo time in the woods will do me well. Slow down and breathe again.


The media is full of shit especially the way they are now spinning what happened in DC.  

Just last week I was the 2nd car at a light that has a side street feed into the main avenue.  Tough spot for sure to get on and usually people don't let you on.  The light turns green and I remained stopped allowing both cars to advance and get on the main road I was on and as soon as it was evident to the driver behind me I would let the 2nd car through the driver started laying on the horn.   People got to chill.  I just smiled.  Personally I don't mind getting where I'm going 4 seconds later for something which 1/100 of doing something nice.


20 minutes ago, megavites said:

Light turns green and I start laying on the horn, 1, 2, 3 times

Chill bro or you’ll end up like Dbuck freaking out in the parking lot when I go into Quick Chek to get a coffee while my truck is fueling up :eyebrow:



A few months into the pandemic I was doing estimates with the wife she punches in the new address in the gps while I’m with the customer for the next makes my life easier...

we are driving in Westfield NJ a busy main street called central ave as I’m driving over the train overpass the first block on my right I see 2 cars pulled over and 2 guys in the middle of the street beating the crap out of each other I thought holy crap and pass the intersection but pull over I tell the wife in chopped up words guys fighting hit reverse because no1 was behind me I get to the intersection lowered the window and yelled as loud as I could and the wife is saying don’t lower my WINDOW LOL... 

hey WTF CUT IT OUT..... u don’t need that s💩t..  they both looked over at me, looked at each other SHOOK EACH OTHERS HANDS and back into their cars they went, let me just say they where wailing on each other.... 
when I drove off and was at a light one of the guys pulls to the lane to my left which I didn’t even realize he blows the horn lowers his window and says thanks I don’t know what I was thinking ... I said hey it happens...

these are trying times for everyone even for a marine I worry about my wife & 3girls... 

but I don’t think there’s any spinning into what happened in D.C. we took an oath to protect against foreign and domestic I just hope everyone finds a way to release their steam somehow ....

the bottom line they shook hands and realized they were being stupid



Posted (edited)

^We are way past that point. 

For 4 years the silent majority has been taking a beating by the left.

There has been no attempt by the left to heal this country. 

They are destroying it before our eyes. 

Thats not America


Its time to pick a side

Edited by tcook8296


1 hour ago, tcook8296 said:

^We are way past that point. 

For 4 years the silent majority has been taking a beating by the left.

There has been no attempt by the left to heal this country. 

They are destroying it before our eyes. 

Thats not America


Its time to pick a side

There's only 2 sides...with Christ or with the evil one.


The irony of this story is that the left would find it racist.  The black man still doing work for the white man with no compensation.  The roles should have been reversed for the story to pass the new litmus test the liberal left is going to use on everything for the next two years.  The while man should have been pushing the BMW that the well-dressed black man was driving, and the white guy should have been homeless.  That's the more appropriate narrative.

I know, I know, I am a total buzz kill....  

Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.


Lets hope the real America can survive the Socialist take over........Why Vote if your vote doesnt count ?? 


Posted (edited)

There are two sides to every story. Yes, there are acts of kindness but does it erase all acts of wrongdoing. Are we keeping score? Kindness is what is expected. 

Woman who falsely accused Black teen of theft is arrested (aol.com)

Edited by archer36
11 minutes ago, archer36 said:

There are two sides to every story. Yes, there are acts of kindness but does it erase all acts of wrongdoing. Are we keeping score? Kindness is what is expected. 

Woman who falsely accused Black teen of theft is arrested (aol.com)

I think the point here is that the MSM has been accustomed to showing all the BAD in the world. I'm willing to bet now with the new admin that GOOD things will be reported on again.

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