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Treestand Umbrella


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4 minutes ago, Psehunter said:

I just picked one up last week thinking I'm going to need it yesterday and today..this is what I got, never used one and just picked something with good reviews...paid $23 for it and I had a $10 gift card so it actually cost me $13...will try it next week too


That's the one I'm looking at

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I think it's just 1 brand being sold nowadays 

Met the inventor in early 2000s at the Harrisburg show n he said someone copied it and sent it to China to make. He was upset but knew that is the nature of the beast in business. 

 He also was selling a camo umbrella device that attached to ur gun or bow that provided concealment like a portable blind.....bought 1 but never really used it. 

Used the tree umbrella in WV last wk....worked nicely.

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I think it was 5 years ago opener of 6 day. Heading too much. And I have been baiting the bear for the last month a wet heavy snow has fallen that night. Route 80 West exit 15 North smooth sailing until a slight delay thank goodness I had my chainsaw in the truck tree down across Berkshire valley Road made it to my parking spot forwarded across the Rockaway River made it to my ladder stand first time ever using one I affixed the tree umbrella took only a couple minutes daylight came the sun rose up over the piccatinny mountain. Awesome blue sky suddenly it was like chicken little the sky is falling down the wet snow was falling from the tree branches in clumps thank goodness for the tree umbrella! It was quite noisy reminded me of sitting under a tin roof in a rainstorm cheese do you think the deer will take notice to this unusual sound? Probably but I was there for bear. A few hours later mission accomplished!!!

“In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen.” -Theodore Roosevelt

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