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Last shot I took with my compound would have been the day before early fall bow because I did hunt opening morning, but didn't see my EAB doe that day and then I was getting tests done and then surgery after that.  Since my rehab nurses cleared me for 90 lbs. on Friday of last week, I thought I'd try a few shots today.  Funny how tough it was to draw back since my shooting muscles were out of practice (I shoot some all year round normally).  But there was no pain, so that made me feel good.  First two shots a bit low, so I buckled down and focused and put the 3rd shot in the bullseye of my Blob target with a Muzzy 3 blade 100 grain.  That's it for today.  I'm afraid of overdoing things still, so I'll make sure I feel fine tomorrow and shoot some more until I rebuild my shooting form this spring.


Man, I can't wait to sit in a tree again this fall, even "The Tree"  (hear that, Rusty?)  :)


Awesome man! Glad you were able to take a few shots and NO pain is a great thing! As you said, take it slow, don't overdo it...plenty of time! :up:

I'd bring a helmet next time you sit in that tree if Matty is around, hear he likes to kick things! :rofl:


Matty is probably more excited to hear this than I am.  He had to cock back Rusty's crossbow for me up in the tree because I couldn't shoot my Hoyt (that Matty originally set up for me) :)


Matty set up that crossbow too.   :up:


Glad to hear you are able to start shooting again. 


That's it for today.  I'm afraid of overdoing things still, so I'll make sure I feel fine tomorrow and shoot some more until I rebuild my shooting form this spring.



You have plenty of time before the season.  No need to rush things!


Really glad to hear this man!!! :up:  :up:  And not just because I don't want to cock your x-bow in a tree anymore. hahaha...


The fact that you're back to shooting a bow...does that mean you feel all healed up? Good as new? I hope so! :up:  :up:


And did I really kick you in the head? I'm getting self-conscious now...I know I have occasional twitches and spasms...and I shake my legs uncontrollably...but not usually a kicker.....lol...


You know I had that video from that day all edited up nice...and my computer froze before I could save it. I'll have to edit it again one day and get it posted. Maybe before the 2014-2015 season. lol

“I have always tempered my killing with respect for the game pursued. I see the animal not only as a target, but as a living creature with more freedom than I will ever have. I take that life if I can, with regret as well as joy, and with the sure knowledge that nature’s way of fang and claw and starvation are a far crueler fate than I bestow.” – Fred Bear


Take your time...

Plenty of time from now to the opener.

Get well.

NRA Life Member
"From My Cold Dead Hands"                          I'm all for Gun Control...I use both Hands.



That is wonderful news !!! Slow and steady and you'll be ready ;)

"Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History" - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


NJ State Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Member
NRA Life Member

NWTF Women In The Outdoors Member

UBNJ Member



Hey Brian how are you feeling otherwise? Any shortness of breath? Any lower leg pains? Vision well? 

Just thinking of things my pop went through after his bypass.


PredaTorch.com         Hot Estrous Doe and Other Deer Scent, Night Predator Lights

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