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Posted (edited)

Up at 5:30 to get a hair cut, hit the gym, came home showered and headed to Allaire for some late morning pics, Wound up like early afternoon.. Anyway, here are a few pics from today.. I shoot RAW because I like to "season to taste".. Oh and yeah, I like borders too.... LOL  Also sprinkled in a couple "selfies"..



Ok, so there are more than a few, I had a hard time picking a few.........


Hope you guys enjoy..
































Edited by BowTechExperience

Sweet, damn man you got a lot of nice shots! :up:

Like the variety of compositions and subjects.


Which setup was this from?

I see you using the remote for the selfies with your cell phone...so I'm assuming the new camera and lens, not the D700?

Or did you tote both around?


Dude, that little Nikon D5300 with the 50mm f1.4g is a bangin' combo. You should definitely look into one. Light and portable, not front pocket portable but cargo pocket.


The D700 and the big glass stayed home, traveled light today, just one body and lens, polarizer filter and a Gorilla Pod with  a ball head


Nice, those primes definitely have had my eye for awhile.

It makes sense in the composition...at first I was thinking about your crop selection/choices and then realized it's probably the limitation of the shot scene and how close/far you could get to your subject.


Now you're in trouble...in one post, I can tell you have the photography bug back! haha

Funny how that works! :)

Posted (edited)

Primes are where it's at really.


I'd like to find some old town or building or a cavern system to shoot, maybe bring a model. I have a few soft boxes and strobes to do an on set shoot.....  Any Ideas?

Edited by BowTechExperience

Great idea BTE ! I have Arri ( video ) lights and a softbox , free of charge ...Lighting can make or break your shot :) .. Lmk


I hear Matty is looking for a modeling gig!  That video you posted up in the Playground thread really sparked his interest!  Maybe there's an old well out there in Allaire you can use to simulate the video scene? :rofl:


Honestly, you know me, I'm a landscape and nature photographer, not a people photographer.

I'd imagine there's plenty of people that would be looking for some portfolio work, maybe throw something up on FM?

Posted (edited)

You can almost always tell an old factory building by the black Pennsylvania Dutch barnstar on it. It usually means a building built between 1765 and 1870....If you see building like that in pa they always say you will find buried coins. Most buildings here like that are now in the hands of the Amish. If you see one you know the builders were of German decent and they believed the star on the building to be good luck.

Edited by Palawman30


PredaTorch.com         Hot Estrous Doe and Other Deer Scent, Night Predator Lights

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