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Clapper Rail that is. If you know anything about this chicken like bird you know it is extremely shy. Sure you can hear them but seeing is another story. I have a few pictures of Clapper Rail but to get them it was always a mosquito infested swap, knee deep in mud and hours on end waiting to get a shot or two, most of the time nothing. So I am riding by bike today an I see in the middle of the trail a Clapper Rail. Ok, saltwater marsh on both sides, that's not to weird. As I am getting closer this bird is not moving, now its getting weird, and then prevents me from getting by. I have a stand of with a chicken which normally is impossible to even get a glimpse of. I move to the right he gets in front of me, I move to the left he does the same. I was waiting for someone to jump out and tell me this is some hidden video show. I grab my phone and I took this video. From the broken wing routine I am sure there were chicks near by ready to cross or maybe they just crossed.
If you are interested  have some pictures of this bird right here:




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20 minutes ago, Rusty said:

Very cool.  And she successfully lured you away from the kids.  Sucker.  :rofl:

He. She was up against the marsh, I assume where the chicks were. I know its hard but you can see her in the video

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10 minutes ago, toxo said:

Great video! Years ago,My Dad and I used to hunt the King Clapper and Sora rails at the Morgan Swamp Stinky mud,Mosquito's,hot sun. they tasted like the Mud they lived in!

But it was GREAT!lol


clapper is ver common but in the last 15 years I have seen only one Sora in this area



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