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Finally, food plot planted

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Finally, with all this rain we have had, I had a small window with rain coming today to get seeds in the ground. 

While I was busy trying to finish  some work on my house, my wife got on the tractor and turned the dirt once last week then again yesterday. Then I hooked up the drill and got some soybeans in the ground before dark. 

With a high deer density these beans will get wiped out. Late July early August, I will broadcast a brassica mix. Around Labor day Winter rye will get broadcast. 

The layered food plot seems to work well with the amount of deer I have. 

Gives them a variety and they have something to browse pretty much year round. The strip around the edge is a mix of clovers [1/2 Alsike clover and trefoil] for wet areas as my soil is a lot of clay and holds water so nothing else will grow well around the edges. 



Edited by tcook8296


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