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Baiting VS Non Baiting


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What would your vote be.? My Vote would be to end it...

I have 3 slammer bucks back in my yard 2 with half racks and one thats a solid 10 with both sides.. I would note kill these deer in my yard anyway but its nice to keep them off the state lands.

All nocturnal 3-4 am All travel 2 miles to go to different piles..

miss the days of hunting food sources and trails.

True thoughts and comments here ladies and Gents..

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I would love to see baiting go the way of the dodo bird, but I don't completely buy into the theory of bucks going "nocturnal" because of it. Yes they may show up feeding at night, but they aren't laying down for 12 hours straight all day every day. They are still moving around to eat, drink, piss, and browse during the day, the key is just pinpointing where.

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I don’t see a problem with it, if you rely upon it then you’re limiting yourself but it’s a strategy or method of hunting that I’ll occasionally use depending on the area I’m hunting.  My biggest problem with it is lots of guys shoot every yearling that walks in but that’s a result of the greed and ethics of those particular hunters.

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They aren’t going to get rid of it unless  we have disease  breakout. 

Way too many areas deer are being drawn  out of non huntable areas into spots they normally wouldn’t travel . 

And can be harvested because of it. 

NJ is going to allow any method to have each and every deer taken  that can be



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I use both practices depending on where i hunt. I hunt a small parcel of land near private land that without bait you would not see a deer period. 

The bait draws more than a dozen deer from the private no hunting land that you would never have a chance to kill otherwise. 

Private development is over run with deer but too tight to allow hunting ever. 

The pine lands i usually hunt without bait until now . When food sources dwindle it is very effective 

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7 hours ago, MPSR said:


I have 3 slammer bucks back in my yard 2 with half racks and one thats a solid 10 with both sides.. I would note kill these deer in my yard anyway but its nice to keep them off the state lands.


Are you saying that you bait the deer so that no one else can kill them?

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Bating is getting crazy, everywhere you look thee is another feeder, to many guys don't know how to hunt with out bait, how to read sign, beds and trails, the answer is puit another bait pile out, I would rather hunt trails and natural food areas,

Over the years the US has sent many of its fine young men & women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return, is enough to bury those that did not return. COLIN POWELL





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I enjoy seeing any deer (fawn, doe or buck) while hunting or on trail camera, as such I utilize baiting/food plots/water troughs and deer habitat enhancement to keep them coming to my land. I have sat in the stand/blind - 40 to 50 times this season and don't recall not seeing deer each and every time out.  I have bait out every day of the season!

Edited by tpr1921
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I always laugh when one hunter calls another lazy because of baiting. When I hang stands over natural food sites or over travel corridors, I’m the lazy one. I don’t spend any time at all buying and dragging bait to my stand all week long.

That said, NJ will NEVER end baiting unless CWD breaks out. And then likely only locally if or when it does. Many states allow baiting. Many. Use it or don’t, but don’t expect it to change.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, Woodsman416 said:

I have 3 slammer bucks back in my yard 2 with half racks and one thats a solid 10 with both sides.. I would note kill these deer in my yard anyway but its nice to keep them off the state lands.


1 hour ago, Woodsman416 said:


Are you saying that you bait the deer so that no one else can kill them?

Seems to be the strategy. I have a neighbor who is an anti. He has feeders in his yard to keep “his” deer safe. 

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