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Important if you get the flu!


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4 minutes ago, MZ7Extreme said:

To all the people who have it and it started within the last 24 hours go to a Dr and get tamiflu. This will cut the flu intensity and duration. In 3 days you'll feel 90% better.

You have a 48 hour window  from onset to get Tamiflu and for it to work... Don't be a hero.


Absolutely spot on statement. I was feeling pretty bad one morning at tail end of last flu season. I tried fighting through the day but about one in the afternoon I headed to a minute clinic. Had a fever and she did the swab and sure enough- the flu. I got my tamiflu, headed home took my first dose and when I woke up in the morning I felt really good actually and the fever was gone. So by getting it early, I was back in action in no time. Let the medicine do the work, the flu is no joke. I hunt behins a lady's house near columbus flea market and her husband died from the flu a few years ago. In like 36 hours he was gone.

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Investigators tracked the number of reports of cold and flu symptoms among the 1991 test population of the facility compared with the reports of like symptoms among the 1990 control population. Those in the control population reporting symptoms were treated with pain relievers and decongestants, whereas those in the test population reporting symptoms were treated with hourly doses of 1000 mg of Vitamin C for the first 6 hours and then 3 times daily thereafter. Those not reporting symptoms in the test group were also administered 1000-mg doses 3 times daily.


Overall, reported flu and cold symptoms in the test group decreased 85% compared with the control group after the administration of megadose Vitamin C.


Vitamin C in megadoses administered before or after the appearance of cold and flu symptoms relieved and prevented the symptoms in the test population compared with the control group."



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Or just get the flu shot... :hmmmer:

Thank you for that reply! Flu shots are FREE and they work. Using Tamiflu to reduce your flu symptoms from ten days to three is silly when you could have avoided any symptoms with the free annual shot.

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If I feel something coming on I take 6-10 drops of pure oregano oil. Typically that stops whatever bug I had in its tracks.

If I do actually come down with something it usually starts with a sore throat. For that I gargle for 1-2 minutes every 15 minutes for a couple of hours with a mix of lemon echinacea tea, apple cider vinegar, as much cayenne pepper as I can stand, and honey. It creates a real good burn in the throat and produces a ton of nasty mucous but it works like a charm, the next day I feel like new.

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21 hours ago, MZ7Extreme said:

To all the people who have it and it started within the last 24 hours go to a Dr and get tamiflu. This will cut the flu intensity and duration. In 3 days you'll feel 90% better.

You have a 48 hour window  from onset to get Tamiflu and for it to work... Don't be a hero.


I agree, I caught it time ....still was sick but got better quicker 

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11 hours ago, Bucksnbows said:


Thank you for that reply! Flu shots are FREE and they work. Using Tamiflu to reduce your flu symptoms from ten days to three is silly when you could have avoided any symptoms with the free annual shot.

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Flu shots are only 10% affective most years except when the strain has not changed or mutated, then it is about 60% affective.

Flu shot is never 100% and again most years it is in affective against the flu, it may lessen the severity but that's about it.

Believe me when a super flu hits all the flu shots in the world will not help you lol

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5 hours ago, newjerseyhunter said:

If I feel something coming on I take 6-10 drops of pure oregano oil. Typically that stops whatever bug I had in its tracks.

If I do actually come down with something it usually starts with a sore throat. For that I gargle for 1-2 minutes every 15 minutes for a couple of hours with a mix of lemon echinacea tea, apple cider vinegar, as much cayenne pepper as I can stand, and honey. It creates a real good burn in the throat and produces a ton of nasty mucous but it works like a charm, the next day I feel like new.

Oil of Oreganao is the best supplement there is for sore throat and colds.......I take it everyday during the winter....never really sick and sore throats gone in 1 day....best stuff there is !!

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