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Looking for an opinion about something that happened today. 

Got a text from my hunting buddy asking if I'm going to bait up my spot this morning. I answer yes and he goes on to tell me that he wants to go look for a stand a guy from the next property says in in a good spot (close to my set up) but it's not being used and we could use it if we like. 

So I give my opinion that I don't think it's a good idea wandering around my area spreading human scent all over the woods looking for a phantom spot. Foe all we know that's what the guy wants us to do so we spook the deer off our area into his because it's a solid bedding area he wants us to wander around. So I tell my friend this and recommend that he look for the stand AFTER the season. 

Well make a long story short while I'm at my spot baiting and changing my SD cards and he comes walking into my set up and asks if I want to look for the stand with him. No was my answer and he proceeds to stroll on into the area where I see 95% of the deer coming into my spot coming from.

Now he texts me telling me that he couldn't get into that area any further because there's standing water after wandering around for a friggin hour!

My opinion is that NOW is NOT the time to scout for new spots. I have too much time and $ invested in this spot this year. I share info and camera pics with my buddy and I'm pissed off because he refused to listen to my opinion.

So My question for this group is this. Am I being overly sensitive about this or did my buddy make a DICK MOVE?


I think you're in the right here.  Doesn't make any sense to go busting through a bedding area right before the rut or at any point in the season really.  Just sounds like your buddy wants to find a better spot for himself even if it means jacking yours up.  Doesn't mean you don't scout during the season, but you try to do so without messing up the property and other hunters.  Why is he so hell bent on getting there?  Assuming his current spot(s) aren't producing?

Posted (edited)

I can definitely sympathize with you on wanting to keep the area low impact. The unfortunate side is sometimes sharing a property or area with others that do not share the same style or views of hunting that area. Is it a lease? Buddys land? Im lucky to have a couple friends that "get it" and we hunt very well together. On the other hand I also have a friend that "doesn't" get it. Its his property and I have to bite my tongue. I agree how you feel. There is a lot of work that can be ruined being careless.


Edited by Lou.D

he encroached on your spot, you asked him to please not disturb it "in season" and it's as if he didn't care what you said.  Dick move all the way!

Nothing spooks deer more than my stank… 

16 3/4” Live Fluke Release Club

I shot a big 10pt once….


It's on public land. I invested in 2 cameras, lock boxes and cable locks, a new pop up blind and a new compound this year. Not to mention the bags of corn I've been putting out since August. We have been hunting together for years. It seems he always wants to "in season scout" every year. He's not seeing deer in his spots while he's hunting this year. I've only sat 3 times this season due to work and weather. I'm steaming over this today!



I hunted with a friend on public land for many years, never had any issue like that.  We always respected where the other was at and always sought out other areas away from each other to avoid "crossover".  Neither of us ever cut the other off, and if it was a concern, we talked about it and agreed on a way to hunt the area.   So it's definitely possible, just sounds like your friend isn't really acting like a friend.


I don't know how good a friend he is but I would suspect he is scouting the area where deer come into your set up to try and cut you off.  If he isn't seeing deer where he is at and you are he could see it as an opportunity to get a crack at those deer before they get to you.  Hopefully he is just a dumbass and doesn't see why you told him no and he isn't intentionally trying to cut you off but I would be suspicious if I was in your situation.  I've had some "friends" in the past I set up on public land only to have them cut me off, hunt my stand, etc now i hunt alone. 

Posted (edited)

Nothing worse then a "man"?  thats  that desperate to shoot a Deer! He's not a true friend.He's disrespecting you! He's a LOSER!:letsparty:

Edited by Dinger

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