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4 minutes ago, Haskell_Hunter said:

You got a link to the actual article or the data. ย Inquiring nerds want to know...

The best I could do Iโ€™m not that computer techy like you.ย 


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5 minutes ago, Lunatic said:

But will they open? :shock:




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All the deer I have ever shot with a 3 blade 1 1/8 fixed head fall over dead in 20 to 50 yards. I can shoot at sharp angles and never worry about penetration. Moving parts equal failing parts. I like excalibur crossbows, pump action slug guns, and bolt action rifles, ect.ย 
So you shoot off the shelf? Or have a spring loaded prong rest? Or a flexible whisker biscuit? Or a drop away?


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1989-2006 research..
That tells me it isn't a good study.

The rest of the equipment wasn't equal..

Let's see.. what else could have possibly played a factor in the results..

Introduction of:
Better bows
Drop away rests
Carbon arrows- no bent aluminum being sent
Quieter bows
Rangefinders - no more guessing
Bait piles - allowing good angles and for close shots at still targets

Therefore, the fixed blades were mostly shot during times when the odds were against you anyways... which probably brought down the avgs..having nothing to do with the broadhead and everything to do with the rest of the gear used.

No way to know.

Here is my proof from my own studys:

I've shot a ton of deer in my day.
I've wounded some
I switched to rage
I never wounded again (except that 1 I hit in the shoulder)


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14 minutes ago, JerseyJaysTaxidermy said:

Here is my proof from my own studys:

I've shot a ton of deer in my day.
I've wounded some
I switched to rage
I never wounded again (except that 1 I hit in the shoulder)


But maybe you became a better hunter.

got better equipment .

had more money for a bigger bait pile .

took more reasonable more shots.

as you orig said.

many varaiables to skew results.


here in NJ the dog recoveries have to have made success ratios look way better than back in the ย old days.

guys learning to back out prob added another few notches.


In the old days we would chased a gut shot deer for hours until we caught them and finished them with our knife lol



Edited by hammer4reel



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I didn't read the study, but I heard about it.ย  It had something to do with recovery rate . My guess is that mechanicals make bigger holes and leave bigger blood trails for people to follow and therefore recover.ย  Bigger holes also mean more hemorrhaging, which means the deer won't go as far anyway.ย  Mechanical heads with larger cutting surfaces will make bigger cuts and are therefore more forgiving if your shot isn't perfect, as long as your mistake doesn't cause you to hit the shoulder. In that case, a fixed blade is more likely to have better penetration and cause a fatal wound.ย 

That being said, I currently shoot fixed blade heads.ย  I do still have someย Grim Reapers laying around that I'd use in a heartbeat.ย  I'd never shoot Rage or any other rear-deploying head because there is always a slight chance of them not opening., whereas a front deploying head will always open.ย  All things being equal, a Rage head does make a devastating wound and if you keep it or any other mechanical away from bone, you're looking at a deer that isn't going too far.ย 

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6 minutes ago, not on the rug said:

My guess is that mechanicals make bigger holes and leave bigger blood trails for people to follow and therefore recover.ย  Bigger holes also mean more hemorrhaging, which means the deer won't go as far anyway.ย  Mechanical heads with larger cutting surfaces will make bigger cuts and are therefore more forgiving if your shot isn't perfect, as long as your mistake doesn't cause you to hit the shoulder. In that case, a fixed blade is more likely to have better penetration and cause a fatal wound.ย 

Marketing material proves yourย hypothesis.


Sapere aude.


When you cannot measure, your knowledge is meager and unsatisfactory.

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