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Broad head blade replacement.


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Guy was wondering if anyone has replaced the blades on spitfires after killing a deer? Shot a nice doe last night at 33yds. She went 75 yds and went down. Awesome hole. A hunting partner said he just throws them out after too much hassle. I cant bring myself to throw 10$ in the trash every time I use them. Here is the doe from last night first one with a crossbow. I’ve killed plenty with a compound but switched this yr because of not being able to practice enough with my compound. 


Edited by Gruntinbuck
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Congratulations on deer.

I resharpen after EVERY deer you, owe them that much.

Spit fires are super easy to do as are just about any head if you have the right stuff.

I use a sharpener made by KME, works great my current record for one head head is up around 15 deer before breaking or bending. 


Not a complete a$$ hole just one of the dingle berries that hang off it.

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