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I have a wicked ridge invader by ten point and the stirrup broke on it, I went to 3 different archery shops trying to buy one and they all told me to contact ten point. I sent an e-mail to ten point explaining what was going on and they replied to me and said they would send a new one out to me at no charge.  So as far as I am concerned they are a great company to deal with.   Good luck with your Shadow UL.


I have a Wicked Ridge, Raider. 

Never registered it at purchase,  3 years later I started getting stress cracking in the finish on my left limb.

I called Ten Point,  told them it still shot accurately out to 50yrds. She said don't matter finish should not crack. 

She registered the bow and gave me RA number. 

Packed it up and sent it on it's way.

13 days later brand new limbs at no cost to me.

Definitely top notch customer service 

Not a complete a$$ hole just one of the dingle berries that hang off it.

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