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July 11, 2013


The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife's Prospertown Lake (Ocean County), located within the Prospertown Lake Wildlife Management Area, has recently received a variety of fish to restore it as a popular fishing location. The lake, which drained following the failure of the outlet structure in September, 2011, was refilled over the fall and winter and stocked with 1,170 trout for the 2013 spring season.

More recently, Hackettstown Hatchery staff released 11,692 largemouth bass fingerlings averaging between 1.5 - 2 inches long. They also stocked 3,500 other species, consisting of a mix of bluegill and pumpkinseed sunfish, fathead minnows and golden shiners. These fish will reproduce all summer long and should help build a forage base for the bass population. Another stocking later this summer of additional bass, sunfish and brown bullhead catfish is planned.


Anglers can anticipate good populations of catchable size bass, sunfish and catfish by this time next year, but are welcome to enjoy the lake now.




That's great news! It was really strange seeing that lake drained.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson




From what I remember, it is a car top type of boat only allowed to launch there. No electric motors are permitted. Basically canoe, kayak, rowboat only and of course bank fishing.  good to see it restored and stocked.


They do have a boat launch there, but might not be for use with trailers.  Can't remember if I've seen any trailered boats go there when I've passed by recently.

I think you are right though, for some reason they don't even allow electric there...I'm not 100% on that, but I'm pretty sure it's the case.

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