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Who Will Be Bear Hunting This Year In New Jersey?


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I know it's months away, but the application period will be here in a few months. Who here will be out bear hunting, and what will you be using?


I will be out of course, and using my Savage 220f, 20ga. 3" Accu-Tip Slugs

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Deer hunting with a bear permit.  I shoot an 870 cantilevered rifled barrel with Nikon 3x9 and 12 ga. Hornady SSTs.  That set up did the job nicely a couple years ago at just over 120 yards.  I'm still smarting over the taxidermy bill, so would be happy to see one of my crew take one this year instead. 

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Yeah I can agree that taxi bill can get super expensive....I shot one the first year we had the bear hunt in 2003 on the last day, it was 200 ibs., full bidy mount......$2700

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It will be a last second decision for me.  The last two were a major PIA to get out and your not kidding about the taxi bills.  But if I am in the stand not seeing any great deer movement and a nice one walks by, I might shoot it.  I'll apply for my Zone 2 Permit, just so I have it..............  I use an old 12 gauge Mossberg pump shooting 2-3/4" Lightfield slugs.

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Yeah I can agree that taxi bill can get super expensive....I shot one the first year we had the bear hunt in 2003 on the last day, it was 200 ibs., full bidy mount......$2700

I went with a rug on my 200 lb. bear three years ago for $1,400 and had the skull beetle cleaned and camo dipped for I don't recall now how much extra on top of the $1,400.  Everything came out fantastic, but I can't afford to do it again.  I paid mine off each month while it was being worked on with my fly fishing guide fees and tips I make on the side which kept the cost away from the wife's eyes.

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Just a thought, you can always skin the bear, and have the hide tanned with the head, lips, claws and all on it.  That's what I did with mine.  I can always have it mounted at a later time.  It was $200.00 to have it tanned.  This way you can shoot your bear, eat the meat, and save the skin for not a lot of money. 

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I won't change my deer spot to take a bear. I'm in bear zone4, Warren County. Deer is my #1 target. I get the bear permit each year and would Definetly take one if given the chance. This year I will have a Savage 220 I just purchased.

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I wish they'd open a spring archery season for them! :)

A spring hunt might be too controversial in this state given newborn cubs, but I can't see why a fall bow hunt won't be added at some point.  I think as long as they leave enough permits for 6 Day assuming they don't hold a special, earlier bear hunt with guns, it should be doable. 

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Deer hunting with the Hawken Fifty.

Loaded for bear too.

I to wish for a early bear archery season, seems like our property has more activity in the bow season.

NRA Life Member
"From My Cold Dead Hands"                          I'm all for Gun Control...I use both Hands.


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